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Fear not the unknown
Rather, embrace its dark void
In it true self's found.
Haiku's Dark Void. A Journey Towards Self Actualization
 Nov 2019 RonliSong
I let the wind sweep my unspoken words away

I hear the children laugh and play
I can't remember a day I was like them

I let the clouds hang heavy above me
rain somewhere my regrets can't touch me

I kept them close
we fell backwards
the closer I believed
further away we pushed ourselves

I taste the lost sleep on my lips
I carry my youth in a coin bag

the winter hides the pain
we fall with the autumn leaves
let the wind carry my being
 Nov 2019 RonliSong
Edmund black
One truth
One consistent voice
One authentic face
One vision
One clear perception
One profound impression
You are naturally beautiful when you are oneself
 Nov 2019 RonliSong
Ashly Kocher
Do what makes you happy
Not what makes others happy
Change your pace
Look fear in the face
New beginnings await
 Nov 2019 RonliSong
 Nov 2019 RonliSong
you realise
this is
all your own fault
no one
to blame
but you

always so naive
stop asking
stop trusting
in them

i hope
you know
the you i speak about
isn't you
at all
but me
im taking drugs like im taking breaths,
staying alive is harder than i expected.

To let

Genre: Inspirational Abstract
Theme: Promise Yourself || Still You will Rise
 May 2019 RonliSong
 May 2019 RonliSong
as i face the impeding storm
and the rain fills my lungs
              with desperation and
i realize the solution is not to swim
                         it is to drown
 May 2019 RonliSong
Star BG
As veil of love surrounds
I dance celebrating
the moment.
The gentle breeze
and wisdom from trees.

I move expanded
in heart
to make new start
and fly like lark.

With veil of love
I reach out hand
with a shake
with a hug
as you reawaken
to the love inside
to walk with pride
and feel the veil
from source.
inspired by love inside my cells
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