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Yenson Jun 2022
The trick is to heighten your fixations
we already know who's got me in their heads
I am your addiction
you will work double for your fixes
I am keeping you  
on your pink trotters
cause I know
you are hooked and will come again
and again
you need me to read you
I play with your attention
cause you can't help yourselves
I make you come
again and again
Yenson Jun 2022
The one-track minds
wheels along in gratuitous
selves mockery
kitted out in ignorance gears
in delusions and self-loathing
blissfully unaware
our riders of the storms
our alleged rain-makers
our pitch-forks prodders
our rotten fruits tossers
our witch hunters poodles
our home-grown Debbie Downers
our mongrels of psyche warfare
who are all very mindlessly involved
in their senseless struggles
and dumbly believe
that another is thus occupied as well
but hey no emotional investment
no hiking or honking on roads never travelled
why see me as a passenger
or think I'll react to vistas unknown
as told by dimwits in selves mockeries
I have no ride or die
I lead
others go on flights of fancy
Yenson Jun 2022
Let's just laugh
I have been laughing for quite a while
see the bigger picture
and the absurdity of the Human condition
will tickle you no end

The Takers point
filled with loot they scream parasite
that innocent is a tick
and the neighbour that burgles is a saint
comrades be red or dead

Power to the people
our one sided story is our full gist
and distortion is clarity
for you have to divide to rule the mass
they need hate for motivation

The god of the God squad
approves bullying racism and Partisanism
you smile and stab in the back
and preach love your neighbour as yourself
its all in this bible we carry

Have you got all day
to hear about ridicule's ridiculousness
how wrong is right when white
and dramatized relations with scripted lines
becomes haunted lines to wreck

Let's just laugh
I have been laughing for quite a while
see the bigger picture
and the absurdity of the Human condition
will tickle you no end
Yenson Jun 2022
As you come so you go
as you sow so you so so
you get nothing for nothing
old money is old money
because it has brains
to make so so people do so so things
so  as you come so you go
you are all so so mad
your papa did not leave you millions
isn't your life a *****
born ****** to inherit bitchiness
know why you're so so sore
in such so so ways
Do you want your catastrophe tickled.....haha....wait I've got to go take food from another child's mouth, you can go do some stealing again, I don't do theft.
Yenson Jun 2022
We teach the teachers
as we see the fears
their paradise lost
their nightmare a reality

The cotton fields are gone
clouds vapid power
now pulling rabbits
out of hats in penny arcades

Sick minds need company
malignancy is all they offer
in defence of their evaporation
their days long gone
living in the catacomb of deceits
foam lives in sleight
the ivory towers have changed hands
Yenson Jun 2022
The poor girl said
I so sorry, but I'm afraid they may turn against me, please understand

The near brownies said
please forgive, they will start picking on us if we don't go along and do as ordered

The Preachers says
we have to be as them, we are cultists and already marginalized, if we didn't they'll isolate us more and it helps our recruitment

The weak and insecure said
this is a no brainer mate
for once we get the opportunity to feel relevant and play the fool without the usual disapprovals

The reluctant ones say
we feel oppressed and bad but they are coercing us daily and we just don't have a choice

So their moral compass compromised, their free-will imprisoned
their integrity abused and disrespected, their brains washed, their dignity rubbished, their minds poisoned and internally they are stressed, uncomfortable and feel enslaved. They have been dehumanized because their Narcissistic masters decides so...

Anyone who remembers watching the Wizard of Oz as a child will probably remember how horrifying the Wicked Witch of the West’s flying monkeys were. These monkeys were sent by the witch to do her ***** work, and the phrase has since become synonymous with people who end up doing the ***** work of a narcissist.

Flying monkeys get caught up in a narcissist’s plan — often to damage the life of another person. The narcissist may use their flying monkeys as piggy in the middle, carrying information from party to party. The flying monkey may use gaslighting tactics, open aggression, and guilt-tripping in order to make another person feel bad and weak, whilst shoring up the narcissist. And they’re often involved in pleading the case of the narcissist. Narcissists love having flying monkey, as it makes them feel important and means they can appear to be above the people below them who are caught up in the messy parts of the drama.

Some of the reasons people become flying monkeys include:

Self-preservation and protection.
Forming an alliance with the person perceived as like us or our organisation is one reason people adopt this role. Telling tales, spreading misinformation, and using gaslighting techniques against anyone who dares to question the narcissist might just mean you get to keep your job and don’t find yourself on the receiving end of narcissistic rage.

Rescuing the narcissistic "victim."
If you tend to fall into a rescuing role, you may feel compelled to jump to the defence of the narcissist who blames everyone and everything for whatever is going wrong in their life. Sticking up for the narcissist meets your inbuilt need to feel valued and needed because of your rescuer role.

A loss of sense of self.
Some flying monkeys are so browbeaten by the narcissist that they have far less capacity than otherwise might be expected when it comes to knowing right from wrong. They may have experienced years of emotional abuse at the hands of the narcissist and have lost a sense of self and independent decision-making along the way.

Loving the drama.
Some flying monkeys really thrive on the drama. When you’re involved with a narcissist, it’s almost inevitable that you’ll be involved in a few dramas along the way. What can beat the adrenaline of being caught up in lies, secrecy, and deception?

Being a narcissist.
Flying monkeys often have strong narcissistic traits themselves, including a desire for attention, a lack of empathy, and a desire to bully and manipulate others. They may be involved in a work, or other situation in which they know that their best opportunity to fulfill their narcissistic desires comes from allying themselves with a more powerful narcissists.

Being used by a narcissist to take care of some of the least desirable aspects of their business is always going to place you in a compromised, stressful environment and you should ensure that you have the appropriate support in place when you choose to change your role.
Yenson Jun 2022
There its emblazed
in Pantheon worthy Almanacs
that without fear or favour and in justly endeavours
alongside peers I girded my *****
and earned my laurels

Ask in The Bodleian
and the hallowed halls of scholars
have sat with scribes drinking from wells of learning
in well spent I burnt midnight oil
my gown et rolls earned

At the Trade Exchange
my worth and flair remunerated
from dawn I upped with the larks to make hay
held my own amongst equals
in service and toil

Need no reminding
of halcyon days at the Lyceum
of wine women and songs in work hard play hard
all done in sublime grace and style
keeping a wise head on

Cupid will testify
I have loved and been loved
met dusk and dawn in truly hot passions and kisses
touched hearts in honest emotions
with blissful memories till ever

Go to the voices of past
you will find no harm done by me
where and when I could I helped my fellow humans
in compassion in deeds I'll give
if they are happy I am too

I can stand before my God
eternally grateful and blessed
I claim no perfection but know I did best with what He gave
and if all is ruined and destroyed in evil fate
I know His Will be done
mortal actions never deceive the gods
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