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Karliah Dec 2018
"Just one more",
Then he kissed me,
Many more times,
Each sweeter than the last.
Karliah Dec 2018
I love those kisses,
Where your nose is cold,
It makes the warmth from your lips,
That much sweeter.
Karliah Dec 2018
If someone gives you their heart,
And you take it and love it,
They will love you forever,

If you break the heart given,
And you discard all it meant,
The heart will have trouble ever loving again,

For the given heart is not so easily gifted back.
Karliah Nov 2018
This is a poem for those abused
For I am one myself

I survived and moved on
Remember there are people to help

It's not your fault and it's okay to tell someone

They may have touched me
But they can never touch my heart or soul
I was molested as a child by a neighbor and only recently told my family about the incident. For years I felt it was my fault, but through therapy realized I should have had nothing to fear. If someone you know is being hurt, or you yourself have been, don't be afraid to tell someone about it.
Karliah Nov 2018
The most beautiful love story,
Is that of light and nothing,

Light brings something to nothing,
Nothing allows light to shine.

Be a nothing to a light.
Be a light to a nothing.
I dunno what I'm doing with this, but random thoughts ig.
Karliah Nov 2018
Perhaps I was young,
Desperate for warmth,
And you saw my untainted trust.

And perhaps you taught me lessons,
Ones I have yet to find forgiveness,
Left to die in my chest.

And perhaps I was naive,
I looked to you for love,
Yet all I found was empty promises.
I remember that feeling all too well. Pure pain, that spreads from your chest to your finger tips.
Karliah Nov 2018
I love with youth,
Vitality and passion,
But I hope to learn,
The art of loving old.
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