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Dreams are what we make
From the ideas, wants and desires
From our minds and spirits
We can take them into reality
At anytime
It just requires will, persistence
And faith
If you believe
Especially in yourself
You can do anything
At anytime, anywhere
Dream big
Watch it grow
Into your reality
We are each an artist
Creating our own worlds
You are standing tall like a regal warrior in the desert
There is a path with two directions
One to the left
One to the right
Each will take you on a different direction in your life
But, the choice is hard
So much to ponder and think about
So, you just stand at the fork, not knowing what to do
It’s just too hard
What if you choose the wrong one?
You are frozen unable to decide
The air is crystal clear
Invigorating to breathe
The sky is pure blue the most beautiful color you have ever seen
There is no noise to be heard for miles around
There is only total stillness
Then a wind comes up from nowhere
It erases one path
Leaving only one for you to take,
Towards the light ahead
The answer came
You start walking down that path
Towards your destiny
It’s early morning
The city is still somewhat quiet
Not much traffic yet
The sun is out, but not fully
Another day is just beginning
Time for coffee and tea
To catch up on the news
And the world
Breakfast is needed
So many choices
Still time to rest
Before starting up the day
The coolness of the air
Refreshes after a hot day
Cleansing the body
It’s time for stillness
To calm the spirit
Street Scene

Sitting in a café
Facing the street
On a sunny day
Watching the traffic pass
People on the street
All shapes and sizes
Different colors of clothing
A Coke truck across the street
Horns honking
It’s life
In the city
The café has plants
Large green ones
They offer a slice
Of nature and calm
Music lifts one up
It can express what we feel
Fills our heart and soul
It can touch the world
Connect all of us
Tell our history and future
It can paint a picture
With sound
It can calm us or excite
Causing us to dance
It inspires us
Sometimes it can make us laugh
It’s a mirror into the best of us
It’s healing and powerful
We need it
It is magic
Set against a pale blue sky
Fluffy with their light pink color
Looking almost appetizing
Dotted with white streaks
Set a distance apart
With birds soaring high
Spreading their wings
In concentric circles
Over the city
As the sun gets ready to set
One more time
Ushering in another evening
I am a survivor
Many of us are
From the last year or so
We have battle scars
From fear, loss, illness
Overall stress from the times
But, we are still here
Still standing
Broken perhaps
But we made it through
To the other side
Though so many did not
Such loss and pain
The war is not over yet
It’s still going on
In so many places
The danger is still there
Muted only by vaccines
For that we are grateful
Yet we must remain vigilant
More battles may be coming
Yet we have made it to this point
We are survivors
We too are warriors
I am thankful
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