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i love it coming in
coming in deep
into the darkest places if we must
into the tender heart of pain
i love to touch the new grass of your trust
i sit here at the edge and wait
if you will let me i will water
**** and rest
beside your rippled pond
beside your mirror
within this trembling place
where trust is born
ive got the time
ive got the heart
ive got the love
take a chance
allow me in
i will be gentle
gathering me
adopting me
edging toward me
holding me up
inspiring me
tripping me
one day
covering me
and yes you are the bones
of this earth
friends of creation
holding up the planet

may this be said
that i have lived
and wept and laughed
and birthed five souls into this world
may this be said
i love and cherish them each one
of three Grand children writing large upon their life
may this be said
i love them deep
i love them well
i write upon them deep
indelible i hope
with ink of life and tears
and most of all
of love
yes deep i do
endless horizon
energy of other rhythms
other way of reckoning
a different clock
nature world
nature cycle
drumming in the earth
a music pure and deep
and so the ebb and flow
of all my life
has tuned itself again
to sand and tides
i am content to chart the currents
of this journey
with my eye to gull and cloud
my footprints on the water's edge
so fleeting writ
a lesson for my ego
a humbling chiding nudge
that i am but a laughing grain
upon this beach of life
so let me write of joy
and brush away the darkness
webs of clinging black remorse
whispers from regretful past
and fallen lost reminders
dreams gone pale
and lifeless hopes
forgotten promises
and weeping prostrate on the sand
allow the shirring tide
to cleanse away
and leave the shimmering truth
each day i may renew if i have courage
the promise of my life
my sparkling mind
and towering spirit
my silver sharp instrument
in timeless power
given freely to us all
i must remember joy
it is in truth
the finest gift
and flows like fountains
through my deepest being
i am alive
and i am loved
all else is excess
and i am blessed to glimpse it
time rolling through
abandoned station
fallen to disuse
oaken benches
falling into dust
into crouching repose
where once held rows
of bodies gathered
on their way to somewhere else
bright eyed from travel's promise
other rooms
other smiles
other embraces
i remember midnight station
February winds on bare legs
seven years old and never travelled far
not with stranger named mother
not since babyhood
abandoned in the crying crib
lonely crib
bars of shiny steel
now grandfather lies cold unmoving
once warm cheek hard and cold and waxy
no smiles for me or anyone
lying still and formal in a room of legs and shoes
she slipped me out and to the station
wearing my funeral best
my pretty shiny shoes
my lovely curls
a stranger
stole me fast away from life and love and
to hot and livid hell
among other strangers
made me a writer
in self defence
i forgive you
you gave me New Orleans
as you gave me life
and took away the other one
remember clean
gulls pierce with cries ancient
stones journey relentless to a future
life as sand
wind strips thought
let go
wave music
wave rhythm
ebb and flow of life
marching to horizon
always motion
never still
huge logs
once trees
now silver
in salt air
polished rough
holding back shore
standing up to ocean
grasses cling
whipped by wind
I sit
sifting all
sun slides
without apology
sky to horizon
if I wait
wind combs
my hair
my heart
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