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 May 17 Girlrinth
He takes the time
to tell me I look good,
and can’t keep his hands
off me when we’re
on the couch.
He thanks me for
spending time with him
and calls me
pretty lady.
When I’m upset
he asks what he can do
to help
and says we will
figure it out together.
And then today he called
me babe for the first time.
He tells me he misses me
even after we just saw each other
and remembers
everything I say.

Is this what gentle
love feels like?
Or is that just what
Love feels like.
To be seen, heard and wanted.

We haven’t said
I love you yet but
I can feel it.
 May 17 Girlrinth
They say,
she’s a good girl.
Girls like that don’t just
grow on trees
but once they’ve
taken enough bites
they leave.

I wish I was the shiniest
Apple on the highest branch,
soaking up all of the sunshine,
bright red and juicy
enough for one man
to finally pick
and take home
instead of leaving me
to rot on the ground
in the shade.
At least the worms like me.
 May 17 Girlrinth
oh will the feeling of being a burden ever go away?
when someone is even slightly inconvenienced and it has just a little to do with me,
I feel I must apologize profusely and proclaim how annoying I am,
when in fact,
that’s exactly what’s making me annoying
I am a burden, even to myself
We live hardscrabble lives.
  We own fierce tribal prides.
  We court at our barn dances.
  Music is magic love trances.
  Spiked punch gone to heads,
  we dance to our wedding beds.
The more I read poetry
It seems like obituary.
Death in a coal mine
of the innocent canary.
Let us say what needs
to be said finally.
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