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I can hear the  walls of my soul creaking slowly
As poetry went* from my fingers
Into this **page
Because you woke up this morning,
Thank God.
Because you have all of your senses,
Thank God.
Because your heart still beats on time,
Thank God.
Because you're not homeless,
Thank God.
Because you have feelings,
Thank God.
Because you were once put in a situation where you could've died but you didn't,
Thank God.
Beause you have at least one person that you can count on in the darkest of times,
Thank God.
Because you still have hope,
Thank God.
Because you can understand poetry and love poetry,
Thank God.
Early morning thoughts.
You're blessed.

Morning glows
upon wishing eyes
across dew drop horizons
and tree line kisses,
warming my heart
as my dawning thoughts
turn towards the beauty...

Another day begins
with smiles, with love,
with you...
It is pretty hard to interpret day to day life in such a short statement..but here it is..! #life #short #simplicity
dengang duftede jeg kun af syntetiske roser, og
jeg så kun franske film med spanske undertekster
jeg røg 29 cigaretter om dagen, og drak 3 kopper
te med smag af håndsæbe
jeg skulle skrive en opgave om mord, men endte
med at skrive 12 ligegyldige digte baseret på din
soprane stemme, og den måde, du kunne få mandag
til at føles som en lørdag eftermiddag med vin i årerne
dit navn har klistret sig fast som lim omkring mine
tænder, men når jeg skal sige det højt, holder jeg op
med at blinke, og mine øjne forvandles til kviksølv
orkestre spiller blå toner under min hud, og hvis du en
dag ser på min tunge, vil du finde groende poesi som
en sygdom, der ikke kan helbredes
halvdelen af verden
er døende,
den anden halvdel ved
ikke engang,
de er i live
- digte om alt det, der skete dengang
you are
much too
tant to
me far
too soon

Everything is separated from each other
But when you see silently
It seems all together
The day sleeps in the night as I exist in you

The born,
The death all for thee
Black or white
True or false all for thee

The continents are separated, isolated
As we are alienated from each other
But on the other hand we are all together
Apparently we are  moving toward the different direction

The dark,
The light all for thee
Silence or thunder
Melody or chaos all for thee

Either it’s a stone or an emotion
Even either love or hate,
Neither war nor peace
Neither dialectics nor mystic
All  have bent you and me

There are too many invisible divine strings
On every matter or even every non matter
yet bonded with the heaven and the hell
So, all we move toward the same destination

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
All we are moving toward the same destination...........
Set the paint brushes on fire
Brush your feelings on paper
To paint the most beautiful picture
With the exclusive hues
Every word immersed in love
Colors of the soul and pure emotions
Sweeping across the paper
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