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lessache Jan 2021
Halo kak Yoongi. Apa kabar? udah bobo ya? atau masih buat lagu?
Aku sayang banget sama kak Yoongi, maaf aku bukan Shakespeare yang pandai dalam kata, cuma mau ungkapin perasaan aja kayak orang lain.

Kak, kalo nanti ada kehidupan selanjutnya, aku mau banget jadi teman kak Yoongi, jadi musuh juga gapapa deh! tapi aku gak mau berantem! soalnya aku anak baik. Kak Yoongi tau gak sih katanya manusia itu made of stardust, tiap aku lihat ke langit berarti aku lihat bahan bahan pembuatan manusia ya? Kak Yoongi pernah dengar gak, kata orang dunia itu sempit. Tapi kenapa kita belum pernah ketemu? atau emang takdirnya aku tau kak Yoongi hanya dari layar hp? Pengen juga punya kesempatan buat kenal kak Yoongi lebih dekat! Nanti ya kak. Semoga aku bisa capai cita-cita aku. Tunggu.
Vianne Mar 2020
From the moon and back, and back to the moon again, I can’t write how much I love you using a hundred pens. You fill my life with such joy, my lovely, pale boy. The little time I have known your existence on this earth, I have learned your beautiful worth. You taught me so much, I wish I can reach you and express my love but sadly you are out of touch. So for now, I write you this love letter, so your day will not be bitter. I love you so dearly
, my beautiful min yoongi.
jack Mar 2019
you put yourself down
just so you can lift me up
with a casual reminder,
a good thought,
a sense of solace,
a form of comfort,
you keep me on the ground,
safe and sound,
without holding me down
or pushing me around,
you’re close enough
yet so far away,
you hold my hand
so that i don’t float away
yet you still insist i fly my way,

and your words;
they’d hold me tight
as they swear it’ll be okay,
and your words, your songs;
an anchor for a flying ship,
a promise that it’ll be alright,
a glimpse of light,
a handful of hope
enough to get me through the night,
and your words, your songs,
your presence;
a sense of solace,
a form of comfort,
a promise that it’ll be okay,
and that i’ll never fade away.
happy birthday ❤️

— The End —