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SpiritHeart67 Sep 2022
I'm just
An Inadvertent Traveler
On the Fabric of Time.
The wind
Hasn't spoken
To me in weeks,
And I miss her.

I've lasted, but
In some ways
I haven't found
What she left me with.

I love how the sky
Is stitched to my skin,
Breathing life to my bones...
𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘴 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦.

I sit with myself
A little too often.
Is it healthy
To stare this deep?

I find what
I'm looking for,
But then I always
Find more to look for...

And I wonder,
𝘐𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦?
A broken record
Reminding me.

𝘈𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯, 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯...

These universal lessons -
They have no end.

I could try to find
The reasons why,
But I haven't much time.
So I don't ask why.

For I am much too far
From the night sky stars,

     To ever,




                   ▪︎ mica light ▪︎
Ruhani Aug 2022
"You seem a little lost
"where are you headed to miss"
I looked back at the bald monk
his face beaming supple and warm
"I don't know! that is why am here
you have all the wisdom-
so tell me where do I belong.
Monk held my hand,
hand soft like petals of rose
"your path is already mapped
just believe in self and go forth".
"But how do I know if am moving right
what if I fall and never find the light".
Isn't it life to shuffle between white and greys
if I tell you everything
there is no sense in living your days
so fall or fight
slouch or stand upright
it's your life after all
own your defeats and wins however small
you are here, merely to witness the whole.
Louisa Coller Aug 2022
My horns of tree trunks; Lift my fragile head,
Born in the image of Venus; I live my life to regret.
Delicate locks of golden brown; They'll flow like a river downwards,
As leaves will begin to crowd; Hiding my own *****.

Hidden behind the willow tree; Shall stand both a woman and girl.
One in each other, just simply in different worlds.
A desperate glance of despair, falling from eyes of the young,
A hopeful glare of happiness as the woman looks towards the air.

Laying amongst the dirt, the rough ground and grit,
it dirties my hands and covers my fingertips.

I sprawl outwards like a cat, relaxing below the sunshine,
I close my eyes as the sun becomes nothing more than a nightlight.

Sweet Taurus; It's whomst I am;
Sweet Lady of The Lamb.
I live this life as a mortal being,
but dreams of becoming a deity within my mind.

In prayers,
I capture your heart.
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
He had wandered into the jungle,  
And it was getting very late at night,  
He couldn’t find his way out again,  
And there was just nobody else in sight.  

“Oh no! I’m completely lost”, he thought
And quickly his panic started to rise,  
But he knew he had to keep quite calm,  
Or he would surely pay a deadly price.  

An hour later, having stumbled,  
Through thorns and bushes as he blindly trekked,  
He suddenly felt an eerie silence  
That made all the hair rise on his neck.  

It was then he saw the bright green light,  
Floating high in the tree tops on one side,  
Which seemed to beckon silently to him,  
While his mounting fear he tried to hide.  

The small light was shining steadily,    
and he felt a very strange calmness,  
spreading throughout his entire body  
and then he lost his fear of the darkness.  

Slowly the floating light moved on ahead,  
He followed it as if in a trance,    
And after some ten minutes had gone by  
He suddenly found a trail by chance.  

The green light kept guiding him forward,  
And the narrow path was getting smoother,  
Soon he was out and his sense of dread  
of being lost was gone altogether.  

He searched all over for the spirit glow,  
But the strange light was completely gone,
He was sound and safe and happy now,  
He felt as if a new life had been born.
A semi-factual poem in a Malaysian jungle
New words that part my lips are vast and wide
Still sometimes spilling sweetness, shame and spit.
A pattern simply changing with the times,
So I can't say that you're to blame for it.

New insights, clouds, dark lakes where pebbles drop.
Ideas float around that serve me well.
The light with shadow, night with glowing dots.
Sweet intricacies dance while we repel.

I've learned to ebb and flow beside my lungs,
To hold the space, despite the urge to run.
This burning flame needs fuel to elevate,
To learn the lesson. Protect me, I'll wait.
It's been a while! Hello again 🦋
Odd Odyssey Poet Jul 2022
I've been touched by....
the morning symphony orchestra of birds,
rain tickles dancing on asbestos roofing,
calm winds; of one gentle breeze plunging mangoes,
brown leaves rustling away for new to follow,
the sounds of life in the cheers of children's play,
oh—touching experiences of a beautiful day.

So as I speak...
I say to you—not to bite words of expression,
let the voice of life in your lungs be lively,
out a loud in the quieting despairs of often,
to the ears open to the sounds of hope acclaimed,
teach the young, and so too teach the old of extra portion,
the spirit of worth within us, echoes out in action,
letting those words you speak be in the physical,
in conscious, guided by Spirit—becomes lyrical.

                                And all in all, do it all with love.
Andy Chunn Jul 2022
The July sky is drawing nigh
Ensuring blue infinity.
We soar above the clouds so high
To contemplate divinity.
Clearly now I see,
That my soul had a plan.
Laid out perfectly for me,
To endure and withstand.

No I wouldn't do it over,
But Id never give it up.
I just keep moving forward,
Through the lessons I pick up.

I hear it in my soul,
When it's time to make a move.
A pull I can't control,
Brings me to another truth.

A lesson meets me there,
But at first I'm blind to see it.
Repeat repeat - til I'm aware,
And then she will reveal it.

Soul decoding old ways,
Uploading what is new.
These stories of your earthly days,
Are the building blocks of you.

The source collecting energy,
From all your transformation.
With every ancestor redeemed,
She is raising her vibration.

So tune into your highest self,
And don't you ever doubt,
That you come from a higher realm,
Made of stardust all throughout.

You bring this all within you,
So watch carefully for signs.
Youll know just what to do,
When the universe aligns.

▪︎ mica light ▪︎
Odd Odyssey Poet Jul 2022
Spark of Devine, a flame,
Fiery spirit—burning embers of faith.
Gleaming the reflection of Christ,
I'm purposefully made for a purpose.

Knitted in beauty, worth, and love;
Still in my mother's womb.
Birthed in love, cherished in life,
Bathed in it's flowing waters,
Of Holy spirit.

Still with my flaws,
And my many shortcomings,—
He sees me in mint condition.

His love; sweet and pure,
Humble, kind and merciful;
Still with my flaws,
And my many shortcomings,—
He sees me in mint condition.
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