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Erik Luo Sep 2020
The stormy night below the shadow
of the heart of your gentle soul
That has passed a thousand voices
of these endless whispers from you

The dreams of heaven are taking over
the sea of clouds, moving
As they danced, they laughed,
and cried a little rain

What is here, you asked
With great wonder and confusion
You are here, I said
And smiled at your heavenly existence

As it falls through your eyes
it reveals
That you are this unknowable being
With infinite love and endless dreams

And then you said to me
with a faint echo, through eternity

I love you...
You are love
( Meaning the end-rhymes consist of 6-4-2 rhyming words )

The most precious thing
will never blinq
for this occasion
my happiest congratulations
from my heart to yours
in romantic symphonical moors

the depth not to measure
just for pagan pleasure
for divine delights
we'll have long blessed nights

amongst paganish duvet
holied by God’s own brevet

© Sylvia Frances Chan
Have a most enjoyable DAY, bb
PF. 24 September 2020
Erik Luo Sep 2020
A moment of irreversible glace
happened when our eyes met
It stopped the flow of time
and I was gone, with you

For a moment
we are one

Complete and whole

My eyes became yours
and yours became mine
and we saw each other
with nothing else inside

It lasted for eternity
and when we came back
we just knew
we love each other
we are each other

but this ego-mind
who have been hurt so many times
cannot believe in such love,
in such joy and happiness
that I am this beautiful
I can't be

Like a mirror, they show you the truth
of who you are in your essence
but will you have the courage to love
with such purity and innocence?

It makes you deeply afraid
of what it all means
It makes you question your mind
of who you really are

You might run away
or try to escape
But in your heart, you know
you are already one

so eventually you learn to surrender
to this miracle of love
and if you have healed enough
you might be able to make it last

And unite in a world
where you are so whole and happy
that you can love unconditionally
that you can love everything

that's who you are
Erik Luo Sep 2020
Wherever you are
I hope you can find
The love you deserve
The peace you desire
The flowers you dreamed of
And the happiness you live for

Wherever you are
I hope you can let go
Of the pains you held on to
Of the fears you cared for
Of the hurt you remember
And those deep sorrow

Wherever you are
I hope you can see
The light in the sky
The moon in the water
The stars in the night
And all the beauty in this world

Wherever you are
You are not alone
We are all here
Singing this song
Playing our part
Of this existence

Wherever you are
Say I love you to yourself
Because I love you
I will always love you
I am you
to whoever needs this right now
Erik Luo Sep 2020
I’ve been falling for eternity
But I feel a sense of serenity
Because I know you will catch me
So I kept on falling

Surrendering to it all
Surrendering to your heart
Surrendering to your love
Surrendering to your being

I’m not afraid anymore
I feel the wheels turning

I’m ready to make it work
Whatever it takes

As I fall into you
Into your loving embrace

I can and I will
Success is assured
The path is cleared
I’m ready for you
I’m ready for love
I’m ready.
from you to you
Erik Luo Sep 2020
Lying in this silent pain
Hearing the words of that navel chain
Words forming in a swing
Making me surrender all my dreams

I said to you
What is this feeling
As I fall more and more into
You and you and you and you...

And me and me and me and me...
Like a cycle it repeats
Singing and talking and cursing and yelling
And crying and laughing and coughing and screaming
And touching and holding and gripping and pushing
And cutting and hugging and kissing and loving
And into others senses, that are foreign and without names

It’s like falling and falling and falling and falling...
And flying and flying and flying and flying...
And all of this
Forming those tiny but infinite points
Of existence and reality
Of experience and identity

I surrendered more and more
As I became it
All these pain
All these love
All these beings
And I heard that song reached an end
As I gave up all of me
I died and became
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