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Erik Luo Oct 2020
When the moon light up the sky
And the sea becomes purple and bright
When the birds sing with delight
And the stars fall through your eyes

It’s all so perfect

When you sleep at night
Or frustrated with life
Or having great success
Or thinking about someone

It’s all so perfect

When you are heartbroken
Or sad and depressed
When you can’t help but cry
Or need to be with someone

It’s all so perfect

Universal clockwork
Is keeping track of your time
And with every moment of pain
Like a seed, they shall grow in time

Into something beautiful and kind
Something loving and full of joy
In time...
It’s all so perfectly realized
Everything is playing out perfectly
Erik Luo Oct 2020
is a love machine
It created everything
to feel love more deeply

When you are sad
It was love that made you cry
And when you are happy
It was love that made you laugh

When you looked at the sky
It was love that made you fly
When you sit in the dark
It was love that brought you light

When you feel stuck
It was love that pushed you on
And when you are tired
It was love that lifted you up

When you killed
It was love that fired the shot
And when you dreamed
It was love that is fulfilled...

Love loved and hated
Love laughed and cried
Love sang and danced
Love fought and survived
Love woke up every day
Seeing the world within
And breathed deeply
To the rhythm
of polarity...

Love is both the question and the answer
Both the dream and the dreamer
Both the past and the future
Both you and others

See it
Feel it
Be it

Then maybe
I will see you again
In that infinite void of love
And we shall become one
And love
Love is the answer
Erik Luo Oct 2020
You felt that pain
More and more and more...
til you realized
the love it was

Oh, how much love it was
so much that it hurts
That you loved as pain
and suffered as love
over and over

til the two becomes one
and ends
In a love so great
that it stopped existing...

Then it begins again
Repeating, growing, loving, hurting
Even more
As you
It’s all love.
Alena Simonian Oct 2020
Allowing the story to be told
Along the spiral path of time
Deeper and deeper along the blooms of the rose
You keep unfolding
Coming home to yourself
the dance beckons you further
asking for your honesty, vulnerability, humility
Be brave, take the first step, journey to the bridge between the finite and infinite
to the dark fertile void of possibilities into the light of their existence
An embodiment of creation
Feeling more alive within every fold of emotion, every texture, every taste on the spectrum, every sound imaginable, smells like a field of wildflowers tickling your senses simultaneously encompassing their juxtaposition
whole and complete unto themselves
No labels
What it means to be human
To feel so deeply yet be prone to numbness
To be exposed to the elements yet have a compass to find your way back to the beating anchor that guides you
The infinite love that animates you
Allowing the story to unfold
Not always doing what you're told
Not knowing what that even is then welcoming clarity like the brightest sunrise after the darkest hour
Sometimes lost then found anew
Learning how to tell the difference between resonance and dissonance
And the balance that helps it all make sense
Using a little of each, sparingly, carefully, distilling beauty from the crazy cacophony
So many paths leading to the same destination yet only one rings true at a time
Surrendering to the wisdom
Innate, embodied
the dance goes on to a different tune
Are you willing to explore?
Do you have a hunger for more?
What drives this desire?
An unexplainable longing to be among the possibilities
A chance, an attempt, a try
Unprecedented perhaps that's why
Co-creating something new
A different perspective
A fresh point of view
Journeying within to see that you are a cosmic reflection of all that is wanting to know itself as your life, reflected back as me
Reflections in a lake
We are all mirrors for each other
Beauty unbounded
Words are limited in describing this
You merely scratch the surface of your experience
Yet they propel you like guides to the unseen realms
To see without eyes
To hear without ears
Following the music of your soul
Answer the call
Here and Now
What will you discover?
Erik Luo Oct 2020
I looked at my hand
and saw an infinite void
Flowing and merging
with everything, in time

The existence of this being
is unexplainable and unspeakable
It flows and waves into everything
like a hug, or kiss, embracing

The music we play
The art we make
The things we love
The things we hate

All are flowing in and out
Of this being
Like a great machine
Pumping and ******* itself
On repeat

The people we meet
The people we love
The people we hate
The strangers you’ve gazed

Are all flowing,
In and out of this being...

It’s like falling in love
And being in pain
At the same time

It’s like being all the stars in the sky
And every single grain of sand,
At the same time

It doesn’t speak
Yet it's all that we've ever said

It knows nothing
Yet, it is everything

Being it...
Being you...
Being me...
It is all we ever wanted
Elena Mustafa Sep 2020
I have been around the world
Not just in this
In past lives
The places my parents went to
Or live in
I have been there
Thousands of thousands of
Years in reincarnation
Erik Luo Sep 2020
The rain has fallen
For eternity and more
like crying
From both joy and sorrow

If you take a sip
of that sweet drop
You feel the cycle of life
and falls, deep into its trance

The moment happens for you
To realize what it’s all for
Through all the struggles and pain
You finally begin to see why

There is nothing to worry about
For no matter what you choose
No matter what you do
You are moving towards love

It is inevitable
Stopping is impossible
As time flows
You become more and more

The meanings and games we play
It’s only to make us love more
For when the end comes
You will see just how much it was

How everything happened
For love
There’s nothing to worry about, follow your heart and love now
MisfitOfSociety Sep 2020
When your light shines pure. You will not be born, you will not die.
Alena Simonian Sep 2020
Awake anew my friend
My prayers to you I send
God’s will you cannot bend
My hand to you I lend
Don’t you comprehend?
There is no way to end
This you can’t pretend
So much there is to see
Please join in dance with me
Our spirits fill with glee
As we open to the sea
Of many a possibility
Our feet become the roots of our friendship tree
All irreplaceable things in life are free
I know you cannot lie
Your heart won’t let you try
Great spirits never die
It’s okay to cry
Cascading tears for you I dry
Someone’s love you cannot buy
Exhale this truth with a hearty sigh
Did my words register this time?
So much can be achieved with a rhyme
Delicious bushels of rosemary, sage, lavender and thyme
Filling our senses with beauty not grime
When your life is near it’s prime
Your soul comes in to chime
Life’s journey is about the climb
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