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Erik Luo Oct 2020
I often wonder
The realness of reality
Like a spiral
Into the endless dream

Old blood darkens
As it leaves my body
From what source
May I speak to you

All the voices
Singing along

Dancing people
Holding hands
Drinking wines

Speaking verses
Of self-reiterated
Of the same story
Again and again

I often wonder
At the beauty of such a view
Of nothing apart from you
Yet to be apart to see you

Voicelessly these thoughts
Perpetually spinning
Talking about

Then again
What am I to judge
For they are a part of me
Repeating what I see

I just feel your existence
In bliss...

you are so beautiful
Erik Luo Oct 2020
The universe in you
Is speaking to you
With the rhythm
of your heartbeat

Without deception
or trickery
Like a knowing
or feeling

of where you are going
Falling into place
Singing away
Your existence
Listen to it
Erik Luo Oct 2020
It's like a fire in your heart
warm, but doesn't burn
It's like an ocean on your skin
soft, but doesn't hurt

It's the way moonlight touch your face
And how the sun caresses your head
It's the taste of the wind
And the sound of the rain

It's in the green and yellow
of the leaves and grass
It's the blue and purple
of the sky and clouds

It's in the sound of your breath
Almost too quiet to hear
Yet ever-present
Beating away

I often wonder
At the proof of my existence
And then I just sit
In love
Dinah Simpson Oct 2020
between darkness and light
this is where i am at the moment

why does it feel like this?
i can't find the words

the energy, the sensations
i don't want to be here
in. my. mind.
feel and be present: this is where You begin
detach to connect to your wounds
learn from them to heal
be still and allow the emotions to swell
ache writhing in my heart. pain. tears.
breathe s l o w l y

outgrowing who i've been
not knowing yet
but appreciating how far i've come
holding on to the heartache and pain
because i still can't find the words
and this is part of how i tell my story
maybe it's more for me than for you
protecting myself: ego
learning to be thankful for each moment i cry
seeking for her to be free

the body knows
intuitively.  if i pay attention
i didn't see before
that's why you keep coming around
settle into uncomfortableness to discover your higher truth
i do everything not to be here

i now feel the desire to release
choose the vibration that excites your senses
wanting to send light to all the places that need love
the vulnerabilities are your courage and strength
breathe them in
let them settle
to create more space

let go of what no longer serves your heart: loneliness, shame, desperation, abandonment
i don't want to tend to these feelings anymore
i've kept them close and safe long enough

what are the points at which the top edge of the sun reaches the horizon?
i want to be in that light
where the aura radiates
and the energy is tender, beginning again

if not for you, i would not have remembered
so bright i am: the beauty of the sunrise
be present to this moment

a breath in to receive
a breath out to continue the journey

--dinah simpson
chris Oct 2020
A vision of a mole softly digging through the underground soil, searching for earthworms. Feeling its way through the complex tunnel system designed by the moles underground the forest. The mole searches for a while, then finds its labour of other diligent workers.

A vision of roaming through the above woodland. Sun seeps through the spaces between the veins of each leaf. You’re almost floating between the trees, drifting forth. The vision reaches the roadway adjacent to two sections of woods.

A vision inside a car hovering along. The driver forgets that she can see her own hands on the wheel. Momentarily, she looks down at her form to gain some autonomy back from her steed. Through the windshield, her vision is pointed towards some radiant figure in the oncoming distance.

“Beautiful glowing body of light,” a thought bubbles to the surface of her conscious mind.

A vision of some fast, and dark, and loud structure barreling down the pathway. You are almost nothing but the awareness of your surroundings. You sink lower down, lower. The structure is nearing you, even more now.

The radiant body of light is going to phase into her car at this point. The two are going to meet each other. The driver won’t know what it is, the light won’t either.
more of a short tale
Tanaya Oct 2020
'I' am the Universe's Eye, the metaphysical self, the Bliss Divine.
Transcending the realm of the ordinary and familiar-
I am not just the Mind, nor just the Matter;
But everything yonder, as well as in between;
Spaceless and Timeless, 'I' am the Light within.

Neither am I born, nor shall I expire
Not from Adam and Eve did I transpire.
Neither words nor intellect could ever describe;
I am not the one from God's forsaken tribe!

In the cacophony of life, which is another delusion
My ****** existence is mere illusion.
Where is my life source and where does it end?
A Supreme Consciousness manifestation, I do comprehend.

I am the Gita, the Bible and Koran,
The twilight sky, The early Dawn.
I am the God Particle, the vibration of an atom;
I am the Lightning in the Thunderstorm;
I am the supernovae and the penetrating Black Hole;
I am  Infinite- an extension of The Whole.

Wordly attachments bind us to the cycle of rebirth;
The soul is hence born on this earth.
In stillness and silence, find the real 'I'
Extinguish the manacles of the menacing 'My'.
Solve the eternal question- Who am I;
and there shall the foundation of our Enlightenment lie!

This is a daring attempt to understand the concept of the soul's origin and manifestation of all living and non living entities that come from one source- The Light, which is The Supreme Consciousness that we all call God. With the ultimate salvation of the soul shall we again merge into the Whole ( The Universe). My take on the Hindu Holy  Book- The Gita
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