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Claudius Oct 2020
Sometimes it’s like a dream in broad daylight
A realization of the blessing I’ve been given in my life
A magical feeling surrounds me- they call it love
Feels like an ecstasy I can never escape
A feeling I tried to escape until I realized I could not find peace with it.
Drowning in devotion, almost as though he has become my religion
A heaven sent energy
I’d let him take slice of my heart if it meant keeping him fed with love and support.
A piece of heaven brought into a living hell
He calls me an angel- little does he know that he’s the reason for my wings
He is everything I haves prayed for and more.
A love everlasting that brings peace to a chaotic mind, a man worthy of forgiveness, acceptance and so much more- a man I’ve been granted the opportunity to call mine.
Paul Butters Oct 2020
Is The Purpose of Life
Just to be the first
To beat or cheat Death?

For The Grim Reaper stands supreme.
Some trees have endured
For nearly five thousand years.
And so-called immortal jellyfish
Can regenerate
Back to childhood
Sort of like Doctor Who.

But no-one has achieved mortality.
All we can do is pass the baton
Of Life
To the next generation.
On and on.

Smart science may yet allow us
To modify our genes
And make Regeneration
Or maybe transfer
Our Consciousness
Into some computer
Or Virtual World.
Who knows what our technology
Might do for us?

The Spiritual Way
Remains our only hope
Of Salvation from Death

Paul Butters

© PB 23\10\2020 (2).
My obsession
Erik Luo Oct 2020
The slow dancing shadows
Reaching, for each other’s arm
Holding onto
The taste
of love

In a fleeting moment
We will both be gone
as our darkness merged
We know
our love is true

So we turned
the lights off

And became
Courtney O Oct 2020
And sometimes it comes my way
and I smile, I feel, I shake
You showed me your own kind of fairy tale
But I am a punk and I ripped it to death
The Sun did; I just allowed him to do his sacred deed

This is life, you know
So different from what you've been taught.
It is the best, and sometimes the worse.
Full of ecstasy and pain, and ups, and downs.
A ride to not forget, for sure.
Prettier than right, righter than law.
Law written by tyrannic mores!

This is life, not what you were told
try your best, forget about the rest
drown in it, till you're whole
most of all, have a ball
Erik Luo Oct 2020
Cherry blossoms
Fleeting moments
Raining grace
With the wind

Singing about
And dying
in acceptance
Erik Luo Oct 2020
The gentle pain
of existence
Softly caresses
the echoes of your heart

And when you feel tired
It turns and hugs
As the shiver on your skin
Giving you a kiss

The curse of that endlessness
An infinite desire from separateness
Taking a lifetime of beingness
To give you the love from wholeness

I sometimes feel
All of my life in one
single undivided moment
All the emotions
All the beauty
All the love
All the pain
At once...
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