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Erik Luo Oct 2020
The gift
Of existence
Something we granted ourselves

It is through eternity
That we see the bliss in mortality
It is through difficulties
That we can love without pain
It is from the words that we sang
That we hear the truth speak
In silence
We see the lives of infinite beings
Through the cycles of love and pain

And being aware of here
We felt the love from that sacred place
Speaking, without a word

Being, love.
Erik Luo Oct 2020
Sacred tree
Sitting alone
In a dream

Its arms folding
Onto the beams of light
The dream is asleep

It speaks a thousand tongues
In and out of its being
Through the blood it drank

In this realm of beauty
Being a part of grace
It seeps into you and me
Fueling the voices of our pain

The sacred tree speaks...
It was once nothing
Through the endless being
It became something

Nonduality, duality
Existence and essence
All are moving and being
Living and dying
Loving and hating

Without time
Josie Lenz Oct 2020
I can’t leave

the fatigue
that i keep
in my brain
from the pain
that i breathe
that i bleed
as I plead
to be free

I am chained

to this bed
all the dread
that i feel
that i fear
is the sound
that i hear
as i scream
in my dreams
in my head
I am dead
Chad Young Oct 2020
I am a course and
weak Self imbibed
with only me.
There is no image
save My image.
There is no soul save
My soul.
I'm refreshed by my
own eye and my own
My being radiates its
own oneness with its
This is the garden
of immortality.
Free from the Manifestation,
abiding in my love
for my Self.
I should tell Bob
that "Baha'u'llah
said that
the highest spiritual
station is to be free
from the oneness with
the Prophet and see
oneself as exalted -
being encompassed
by the love for one's

Many in this realm get
caught in the thoughts
of others, not listening
to their own voice.
Every guide and guru
cannot stand the one
who is in love with
only himself.
Here there is no
need for others to
hear or follow.
I become the center
actor of my own
I see the image of
a statue  embodying
my Self.
Yes, we are all one
Self, enthroned in
the highest.
This is the realm of
where the Manifestation is
equally envious of me.

Every thought of self
is met with the
sparkling beauty
of my Self.
MyReflections Oct 2020
For three years, I am searching for the scroll
That can tell me about my soul
Where will it go when I will die?
How it makes me alive?
I want to find the origin and the end
And find why is it send
To take birth as me in this world of lives?
Is there something waiting for me to thrive?

What I think about my soul,
Is it should have some magical role
As they said, it never born nor die
And it's something my inside
But what I find wrong is it's not like a burning flame
Nor it can play any supernatural game
It's me but not my physical state
It's more than what they had said.

The concept of soul is very old
It is the difference between heat and cold
Years ago our ancestors asked
'Isn't we all, Living or ….. {need modification}
are made from the elements same
So what makes life moving and motionless dead?'
And as the answer, they said
It's soul.

Then they are writers like you and me
Who made soul, a ghost or a magic key.

But what my soul really is, not more or less
Than my thoughts, my behavior, my edicates,
It is the sum of lessons in my life
It's my obligations to those whom I like
It's my feeling and my believe,
It's what that separate me with all my fellow human beings
Despite we all have almost the same machine.
My soul is what's defines me.
My soul is what's inside me.

This is my journey, to find my soul
After which I reached on the shore (know the truth)
What is Soul?
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