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Alexis karpouzos Sep 2021
Why must I lose everything I own?
Why must I lose all I have loved
All that I desire, all that I've known?
Time is Relentless, dauntless.
Like a fleeting moment, like a speck of dust
In a quick heartbeat, in a fleeting breath
Loss descends like darkness
Like the deep calm of death.
but love Declares a war on loss, on the inevitable,  
asserts its arrogance, love shines its sword.
Such valiance is what makes one stand
Without fear or dilemma, unguarded
Challenging death's aggressive blows.
Yet again and again, life’s designs must fail.
Yet there is a need so great, a longing so strong
Time's lesson unheeded, all defeats ignored
Love asserts its arrogance, love shines its sword.
"You're not real , death, you do not exist"
Life asserts proudly, as death smirks on
Pride stands firm, love marches ahead
Knowing unknowingly…. that all will be gone.
that the Tears evaporate.
Samantha Cunha Sep 2021
Guiding light shines
within me,
on vast roads ahead,
like glittering gods.

Like headlights
when the
clear road
eludes me, like
winds in spring,
in my time of need.

For there are paths
yet to be paved
& mountains
yet to be trekked
& All the stars
can't shine at once.

Guiding light, you lie
within me, even when you
are blocked by a tall palm tree,
even when you are dim
on my midnight drives, & it's hard
for me to see,

Guiding light, you lie
within me.
GQ James Sep 2021
I can't take anyone serious anymore,
My heart is locked away,
I'm the only one with the key to unlock it,
The key will be locked away in a safe place,
Heart on ice,
That's what happens when you suffer so much,
That pain put me in a different ora,
I'm a different person all around,

Once I see the vibe ain't for me I exit silently,
No harsh feelings just ain't for me,
Can't stay in a uncomfortable setting,
At least not anymore,
Because I've been there before,
I'll be go there again,
Learned from my mistakes so won't be going back.

They ask me "why are you single" ,
I tell em "I'm just chilling",
I ain't even looking or studding anybody,
I got trust issues,
I can't trust others or myself to trust anyone else,
There's no space for anyone to get close,
Sorry but I'm not sorry.
you can escape reality if you put your head down to sleep
but its not guarantied that you'll dream
nothing in life is truly as it seems
neither good nor bad, intertwined worlds in between
like a stranger on the street passing by who never stops to smile, never bats an eye
a sleepless guy, a losing battle
a girl he loves but he can't seem to handle
puffs of smoke & getting lost in cars
strangers hands & late night bars
lines of powder that make us feel love
or something close to it we can never touch
love is an illusion, love is a dream
loves going to k*ll you if you let it in
because no one stays the same yet nobody changes
interchanged in each other; let me look in your eyes
let me unpack my rage & disclose all my lies
let me become a sinner & a martyr in your life
and in your soft sweet embrace filled with emptiness & space
hold me & tell me you adore me
that there's no one worth more than me
that you can't even describe my beauty
that you don't only care about my ******
that you actually see my soul and you don't care when i act cold
because beneath it all you look through me
& you know me - because i know you
& we are reflections of one another,
lost souls wandering who dream in colour
do i leave you breathless? do i cross your mind? do you think i'm even worth your time?
i can't seem to understand why but there's a glowing light
at the end of the tunnel
that begs me to...try.
i know that loving me hurts,
hell, it hurts me too.
& it kills me inside to know that's what i do
i'm drowning down under a deep blue lagoon
& i'm swimming for the top, reaching towards your hand
its hard to breathe & its darker than night and the waters cold & my toes are numb but i know that i can't stop swimming up.
i need you to show me how to change,
i need to see a brighter light -
i'm tired - i know i shouldn't be
i'm young & have so much life ahead of me
but i don't know where i'm going
and all good moments are fleeting & rushing past me like cars on a never ending highway
120km an hour & thats how fast you'd drive only to find me
can you believe that i ever thought less of myself?
if there is good in bad & bad in good & perfection doesn't exist
it's a lie to say you didn't love me
it's a lie to say you weren't there
i recognize the pain in your eyes,
a fading image of my face, it will soon be over
& its best for your heart if you try to ignore it.
losing time under neon lights with accompanying thoughts of mine
a rainy night.
is it bad to say i want to hold your hand?
never mind ***, tell me what makes you sad
tell me how disgusted you are with yourself when you act the way you do
i want to know every person in that diaphanous mind
i promise you my love is blind.

i'm lighting my second cigarette & losing track of time.
you're so special & ethereal
your love is sublime.
your voice echoes in my mind
let me give you my body,
my heart, my soul -
you inspire me to transcend to greatness.

- conceptcollection.
just thinking about the past & present all at once, what else is new.

feels absolutely amazing to be back after all these years. <3
Khoisan Aug 2021
Protruding the night

"infinity and beyond"

I see it.
The light.
Odd Odyssey Poet Aug 2021
The path of life, has endless battles following;
Feet are in a steady, but their steps can rattle,
In it being tribulations; let yourself seek & find;
Gain new revelations; and the truths you'll find.

To perhaps go searching through ocean's deep;
Sitting and waiting by the edge of life. To then,

                                 Take a leap
         ­                               ....
                         ­               ....

All spirits long to seek; further than it's flesh,
Deeply in those questions; without the answers,
Ending physical form, beginning spiritual quests.
Jammit Janet Aug 2021
I feel like I am everywhere
And everyone
For I am connected to the Universe
Channeling the Divine
Aries Sun
Mending the world back together
Unifying spirits
Defying none
Until love is the foundation
Which builds nations
And sustains the human soul.
Living dead, roaming bodies,
Souls wandering- seeking peace;
E Choke! Peace is not out there.
Tell me the Joy in painful hustling?
Bear the pain- all you expect is something;
Efforts to bring tomorrow a smile,
Most of all centered on legal tender;
Forget not I say this:
Alert come, desire unsatisfied, hustling increase.
               Living lifeless bodies, I hear you,
Saying, repeating, saying and again repeat:
'One day I will make it',
Pity upon faces looking whence the sky;
'if only they knew' they cried,
That life toil is a toil to the toiler;
For desire lead to toiling,
Camouflage by different edifice;
Agree and disagree, the pen already the blood shed.
Desire birth and fuel hustling,
Desire the Porsche- hustle you must.
But hustle upon hustle no gain saying,
All is hustling.
But I can tell the pain you feel from toiling,
Every single daily pay solving nothing;
It's frustrating I know.
Faces looking from the sky repeat saying,
'if only they knew',
The only factor missing,
If only they knew hustling without Christ is toiling,
If only they knew Jesus gives results,
With no toiling as a prerequisite;
But because they know not,
They all are living dead smiling faces.
'Living dead' is a poem about humans. Everyone in this world desire to be great and that has led ALL into various directions to achieve this greatness. And a lot of persons have sacrificed their souls to achieve their dreams. Many are dead but still move about. The picture here is that many are struggling on their own. Because they know nothing about Jesus who is suppose to help them achieve their goals, they struggle on their own till they die (in their soul)
Mitch Prax Aug 2021
I have come to realize that
we, humans,
have a religion-shaped hole
in all of our hearts.
What do you fill yours with?
Ghostt Aug 2021
I love you in ways I didn’t know true
You keep running and hiding from the truth
If only you knew
A soul contract we agreed a few lives ago
Eternal love
Made from the angels above.
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