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To Touch the heavens
must burn your solid foundation
Rocket to the stars.
You can take but you must give to keep
How many of us would like to Die?
I think for certain, No would be reply.
But in case happens only by chance,
Just I'm guessing asking in advance.
As none of us is having  any control,
One day, but certain death be on roll.
For time of death, uncertain unknown,
But you can rejoice no time to groan.
God  has given this freedom  to you,
Have option to cheer your death too.
f you decide for gifting someone a life,
Post death, donating organs to survive.
This Choice of gifting organs post death.
Makes you stronger in facing the wrath.
And Goddess of death shall  also be shy,
Salute you surely if this option you Try.

Ajay Amitabh Suman: All Rights Reserved
Life is extremely uncertain and so is the death. As a man can not decide his time of death, his parents , similarly we also do not know as to when our time has come tell this world a good buy.  We do not and cannot have any control over the Timing of our Death but certainly on the quality of Death. Still we can choose what kind of death we are destined for. God has provided us an opportunity to turn this misfortunate incident into delight by gifting our ***** post death, to some one,  gifting a life. This act of donating our organs to some one , post our death, we can still see this world , through others body. We are having option to outlive our life and death too.
SpiritHeart67 Oct 2021
I feel that this very heavy weight of wisdom
and knowledge
has been laid upon my shoulders,
most of which
I can't share with anyone.

I try to carry it with Grace
and every day
I fight the feelings
of inadequacy
and the failure
of not living up to it.

I work so hard
to be my best self
and receiving respect
and kindness
from the people
closest to me
makes me feel like maybe I'm actually becoming
a better person.

Without it
there's really no reason
for me to even be here.
Alexis karpouzos Oct 2021
The earth ponders,
'I feel, a thousand deaths on my body,
no more flowers left to bloom,
no more harvest to reap,
tears have become irony'.
The sky touches the face of the blue earth and whispers,
'I am so yours'.
The earth wonders,
'How could that be.
You are boundless.
You have so starries jewels in your treasure,
stars, suns and moons,  
and I, I am little, I have no light'.
And the sky replies,
'Haven't you noticed?
Your ***** is as green
and your heart glisterning in trampled darkness'.
Josh Hill Oct 2021
Who Am I?
A question too romanticised
To have one answer;

Maybe I'm a butterfly,
Spreading my wings
And becoming a metaphor for creativity

Maybe I'm a spirit, a ghost,
Wandering and gliding around
This plane of existence for answers.

Maybe I'm a leaf,
Fallen from a tree.
I glide and glide and I am free!

Or maybe I'm just me.

I'm myself.
And sometimes I write words
And people like them.

I exist,
And sometimes I do things,
And other things happen after that.

Maybe I'm self doubtful,
Maybe I lack a certain narccism,
Maybe I'm missing my confidence.

But to be honest,
When you ask who I am,
I answer:

I am me.
Odd Odyssey Poet Sep 2021
A tune with no sound;
a bird sings in the morning.

So too-

Our hopes seem quiet;
as they are sung by our faith
  In hopes The Lord hears its calling.

On the wings-

Resting upon the High Almighty;
who hears of Silence's echo
  Feathers lost in the wind;
  relied on Him highly, as if to be soaring.

The God Bird is man praying to be heard.
James Sep 2021
I sit under blood-orange skies
A bordello bodhisattva
With eyes shut,
body frozen
beads shifting back and forth
gently chanting devotions to you
until my feet cramp up
and my mind catches flame
If any path you took would lead you to greatness
Would you still be afraid of taking the first step?
And stay where you were and still are now
Living each passing second in waking regret?

Because the path to greatness does not mean
The journey is a one way, uphill climb
You fall off and climb then rest in between
Taking care of yourself regardless of time

Because the lessons lie in every moment
Mundane or overbearing extremes
You can find each lesson in the takeaways
If your mindset is easy to upkeep

Because a dream will never come to fruition
If it only lies comfortably where you sleep
Bring it forth into your waking moments
Or live a life waiting to grieve

Because I need that daily reminder
That it is not what but who I believe
I am capable of making things happen
I’ll take myself there with my own two feet
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