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Paul Butters Jan 2022
Science suggests that when we die
We become no more than skeletons and dust.
But The Bible says we will end up
With God in Heaven.
Others believe in Reincarnation:
That we promptly return
As another being –
A person, animal or whatever.

But what if God lives in each of us
One at a time
For Eternity?
What if He or She (or Whatever) foregoes those “Super Powers”
To experience Mortal living
In these frail bodies of ours?
Over and Over
Without End.

Which raises the possibility –
A reminder of “Matrix”
And just a fleeting thought
That right now I could be “The One”:
I could be God.

Paul Butters

© PB 4\1\2022.
a quiet man he was
the smiles were rare
signs of affection
yet his soul came through
his goodness
his quality
his concealed intelligence
I can see him in his sleeveless tee-shirt
cigarette in right hand
a pen in his left
doing the New York Times crossword puzzle
at the dining room table
he would watch Jeopardy
and reel off the answers
one after another
under his breath
he'd survived 3 heart attacks
diabetes and emphysema
years of working 2 jobs to support 8 children
but the alzheimers was unforgiving
and eventually wore him down
my Father
like his son
had buried a facet of his early years
his gift for verse
which I discovered unbeknownst to him
before his passing
in the early hours of one recent Winter's morning
I heard him call my name from the foot of the bed
I take it as a sign that one day
we will share our love of poetry
my youngest daughter brought to my attention a poem she had discovered by Ezra Pound. I liked it so much I did some research on Ezra and discovered that he had been arrested in Italy and returned to the US to face trial for speaking out about Capitalism. His attorney's pleaded insanity and he was sentenced to do his time at a mental facility called St. Elizabeth's hospital in Washington DC. For the length of his stay, my Father worked at that hospital. I picture them in my mind sitting at one of the benches in the yard and swapping stories and discussing poetry
Ave Maria Jan 2022
As poets, we silently scream within the poems that we write, the fervent words permanently soaking into the universe
The universe absorbing the reality of their meaning, even if we ourselves may not fully understand yet
In every piece of art, the inner soul is revealing a part of itself
Big or small, it is there, making its presence known
I find this to be very beautiful
Skin on soil - I sink
My lungs a network of roots,
I breathe with the leaves.
One with nature
Mark Toney Dec 2021
wrestling with evil
wear complete suit of armor
~ conquer with courage

rescued from onslaught
lies and misinformation
~ ***** girded with truth

safeguarding our hearts
resisting the evil day
~ righteousness’ breastplate

love for our neighbor
giving’s greater happiness
~ feet shod with good news

strongly entrenched things
evil one’s burning missiles
~ faith’s protective shield

empty deceptions
soundness of mind endangered
~ salvation’s helmet

God’s Word is alive
source of unending wonder
~ sword of the spirit

Seek help from on high
trust the one who is unseen
~ pray incessantly

Mark Toney ©️ 2021
11/30/2021 - Poetry form: Haiku (for you) - This is my haiku series based on Ephesians 6:13-18 - Mark Toney ©️ 2021
Justin Aptaker Nov 2021
or was it today? i can’t really tell
i saw God
more clearly than i’ve ever seen anything

She was
struggling to breath
unable to understand
why everything was pain
why She’d been so alone
away from all those She loved so much

Her eyes bleary and fading
joy erased
but we were there with Her
She could feel us again
along with Her children and sisters huddled against Her
for one last image
equally at a loss

but the last image She gave me
was when the sedative finally kicked in
and i sat face to face with Her
gently stroking Her beautiful head
She finally made sounds of joy again
or they could have been pain
but i think they were joy
and i think i saw joy again in Her eyes
i think the medicine had relieved the fear and pain
just enough for Her to feel the joy of me loving Her

but that moment was cut short
as they took Her away
i cried “goodbye sweet baby”
sweet Angel, sweet Love
then i fell apart

the next time i saw God
all the life had departed from Her
all that remained for me
was Her still, beautiful form
eyes open, but lifeless
and my eyes are open, but lifeless
until I see God again
In loving memory of Boo, an angel who was taken from us too soon on 7/10/2021.
Odd Odyssey Poet Nov 2021
In a valley of stories;
both past & present
days of old; days anew:
In a place I call God-
by different names.

Mwari, Nkulunkulu,
Jehovah, and Lord.

And like God,
I witnessed beauty & glory
And like God,
my mouth spoke of creations
And like God, I said:
                   "this is good"
To Touch the heavens
must burn your solid foundation
Rocket to the stars.
You can take but you must give to keep
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