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Blissful Nobody Feb 2022
Away from everyone,
One with myself,
I have lived a bit differently,
They would think,
I wouldn't know what to think,
If not of the world within.

Away from the noise,
Listening to my own harmonies,
Away from the entanglements,
Solving the knots in my being,
A bit differently,
They would see me,
I wouldnt know what to see,
If not the ways to my being.

Too involved with my being,
Intense within,
Yet univolved and uninvoked,
By any other presence,
A bit differently,
They would acknowledge,
I wouldn't know where to seek,
If not my own seeking .
SelinaSharday Feb 2022
Waaater... wataaaa, waterrrr, running..
It represents healing and cleansing..
save(nurture) my nativity.. save my mentality save the soul in me.
My heart strings..
thoughtful gentle things.
My purest form it brings.
I can submerge in it all worldly activities..
hide me.. soak me, soak my actions..
cover reactions..
got some  water.. get ya some..
waterrrrrr, she's a wave of satisfaction. she's a mathematical a mystical rafter.
Shelter to seek after.
Water sets me free... water brushes.. water blows my knowledge.
It sustains my power...
Water is the mother of soul.
water cleanses makes us whole...
Ohhh Ohhh Ohhhh water..
drip drop waters what you got.
good what ya got..
It's everything...
Listen to It's.Water@soundcloud !!@It's.Water by SelinaRos3y
The poetry flow on water.. from birth to life surrounded in water, relaxing, hydrating and nourishing.. The water we need. To the symbolic spiritual supernatural Gift of water.. and the water we be.. The water of Life we need..
M Salinger Feb 2022
I'm a raw, exposed
crab, molting
new skin.
A reminder to myself that this happens on the ocean floor, where the pressures are immense, and the sun doesn't float down.
It's dark, but it is not forever. The ocean exists only in relation to the land it surrounds.
Sabika Feb 2022
Rusted green,
Blood drops gleam
Drip by drip.

My lust is important.

Why wait?

God is watching.
Staring down.
Never blinking.
Hearing every sound.

So close your eyes and
Take a deep breath.
It all disappears when you're deep
In darkness.
So fall a little deeper,
Sink a little faster,
It shouldn't take long
And how much harm can a few minutes do?

Eyes are sunken.
Eyes are soar.
So agitate and play a little more
Until I am satisfied.
Is it ever enough?
Let's make it darker,
Make it more rough.
These are the good stuff.

Wait! Wait!
God is watching,
Staring down!
I can't hide under the covers when
Everything is see-through.
But how much harm can a few minutes do?

Oh isn't he sweet? Isn't he lovely?
Never wants anything to harm me.
Let me just break a small promise,
I swear I'm a little sorry.
What is God willing to do
For these minutes I choose to spend?
As long as blood remains under the skin,
Shouldn't it be okay in the end?
Alexis karpouzos Jan 2022
The sky touches the face of the blue earth and whispers, ''I am so yours''. The earth wonders, ''How could that be. You are boundless. You have so starries jewels, stars, suns and moons,  and I , I am little, I have no own light.  And Beyond that, in the modern era, in the Barbaric greed of civilization, I feel, a thousand deaths on my body,
no more flowers left to bloom,  no more harvest to reap,  tears have become irony, fades daylight''.  And the sky replies, ''I know, they came with iron chains claws sharper than the wolves,  came hordes of hunters with perverted eyes of contempt.  But,  Even if your tears are restive your heart glistening in trampled darkness''.
Sabika Jan 2022
This is the same darkness I've felt on a bad trip,
The same loneliness I've felt in the past.
No, I still cannot speak
And the darkness creeps in at last.
I wondered where it went,
If it was ever gone,
If it was ever done with me.
The joy and the beauty I've felt was a nice break;
Those closest to me are traitors,
Those closest suffer
And endure alone,
And may be crying while I'm not there.
I'm protected by those I do not like,
And I'm not sure how much kindness I have left to show.
I'm reminded that I live for no one but for God
To whom my life I owe.

There's darkness in me,
In the air,
In you,
And my Lord of the heavens and the seas,
Your light is all I can see.
Billie Marie Jan 2022
Venus is retrograding back into darkness,
right along with Mercury.
All the good vibes and smart thought
gone out the back for a smoke
and some fresher air.
We tire of the same-old-same of life
and think up different scenarios
retrofitting our changing flight.
No tears come for left-behind dreams
not serving up the crème-de-la-crème
at the top of the crop. And really
for you and for I, all this backstepping
is only a piece of the step to this
hilarious dance that is life. We see
our intro through doors of inspecting
all we see; and we see our way to
adjusting a slightly altered version of
each varied moment in our reality.
Be kind in your retreat and respite
from the steady movement and marching feet
following the wheeled-in ruts
imprinting the road behind. Yeah sure,
they got us here, but that doesn’t
grant them right-away passage
further onward into that dreamland
we see but can never quite reach.
Venus turns direct on Jan 29 and Mercury follows a few days later on Feb 3. Hang in there!
Ali Jan 2022
death beckons
and i long
for sweet release
from dreary song

old friend
or friendly foe
merciful end
i want to go

death is memory
not unkown
merely forgotten
as we've grown

looking back
looking ahead
mirror image
t'was always dead

one song
eternal curse
to go on and on

ringing round
in my head
no escape
wish i was dead
Alexis karpouzos Jan 2022
All this universe, to the furthest stars,
all beyond them, is your flesh, your soul.
And one day, under the great sky in solitude and silence,
with humble heart shall I stand face to face with the abyss,
then, I think, i will understand why there is such a play of colors on clouds, on water, and why flowers are painted in tints, why there is music in leaves, and why the waves sending their chorus of voices
to the heart of the listening earth when I sing to make you dance.
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