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Ashlyn Rimsky Oct 2020
What joy:

To hold
The world
In your arms -

Alive and warm
And soft
And breathing

Chest rising
And falling
Yet rising again

Always rising,
Like the golden
Dawn, consistent,

Always bright.
Always beautiful.

In my arms
Against the odds
I'm holding light.
To my golden retriever, Apollo, who somehow manages to love me unconditionally
JLB Sep 2020
You were a pile of bones.
I loved you before I met you,
blindly as one should, staring at your photo through a phone.

I didn't know, but my heart knew, as I sat nervously in the car.
Scenarios of sickness,
unfolding in my brain,
spilling out like oil.
I tried to clean up, but everything was already greasy and black--
primed for you to leave me,
before you even laid down on my lap.

Then I held you.
You felt so soft,
and gentle.
But, instead of joy,
I felt dread.
You were too calm.
You didn't wiggle, or whine.
I said "It's probably fine,"
but your body was ticking like a bomb.

I feel foolish, dear pup,
ashamed of my dreams on the way home,
of you running, and playing, and growing up.

But you did not play,
and you did not eat.
You were so tired, and woeful, and weak.
I knew when I heard
your little heartbeat,
and your raspy breath,
right next to my ear as I slept.

And the next day,
on a cold metal table,
you slipped away quietly.
I hope that you know I loved you entirely.

Aside from crying,
all I can manage to do now, is to laugh.
Because, while grasping at straws I had thought
"You can't spell Olive without the word 'live.' "
What a cruel cosmic gaffe.
Kelsey Sep 2020
You are
My first [puppy].
My first [dog].

I never thought
I could look at someone like you
And know,
Truly know,
That nothing else matters
But you.

That time will keep moving,
And problems will keep growing.
But what's important
Is the
And Now
With you.

Thank you
For reminding me
That love
Is all I need
To be happy.
Disnt know i could love a dog as much as i do.
Marian Solis Aug 2020
A boy with messy hair,
That’s how I know you.
A girl with shabby dress,
That’s how you know me.

Since we were kids
We started as friends
I was one of the boys
And you are one of them

We run in the afternoon,
Wave goodbyes at night
But things don’t end like that,
We meet again at the same time.

We grew up as friends
Sharing secrets no one knows well;
Like open books for one another
Locked for the eyes of others.

Time flies as we grew older
And our friendship grew weaker.
You started to love someone, so do I
The only difference is you love her, not I.
Chabbysuke May 2020
I turned around and saw your face.
Right then and there, I fell in love.
You smiled and my world just melted,
Little butterflies fluttered in my stomach.
Sweet letters I wrote and still keep under my bed,
Short glimpses that make my day,
Daily doses and episodes of you.
Watching you from far away,
I can't help from falling everyday.
Your smile brightens up my day;
Your sweet words when you speak
Moves my heart, I fell again.
Closer and closer, I can sense you.
Closer and closer, you are so near me.

And then you knelt, and I froze
I don't know what to do
I was lost for words and had my hand to my chest
Tears began to suddenly pour.
Oh, how much I love you so!
I wanted to reach and embrace you
But, your previously melting smile,
Froze me on the spot.
I wanted to look into your eyes
To see the love inside.
Sadly, my feet won't let me move.
The echoes of people in the background,
Resounded and almost broke me.
When she said YES,
I know, It's too late
She's yours and you're hers
How I wish it was me!
Oh, how I wish it was me.
Redaviel May 2020
Trying to forget isn't easy as a car accident
Resisting temptation isn't easy as wishful thinking
In worst times, she is there to assure; never felt so sure
Another day is a new spark for a feeling childishly pure
May I know if this feeling is something that is fleeting?
At the darkest times, you're the warm light shining
Even in happy days, you make me blind and smiling
May I know if it's because I'm just looking for inspiration?
A handful of those were swept away in the sea of sadness
No one expects us to be together; a fool's imagination
Only in a different time, we can be lovers and happiness
So I hope this will pass and continue as good friends
Esme Apr 2020
So I ain't quite in the box,
If you have children,
If you have a puppy,
If you, if you, if you.
I have my own stuff,
Maybe I need to find my voice,
Maybe I need to not read others,
I'm sick of it.
Sick of not finding where I fit in.
Not finding the so called box.
Michael R Burch Apr 2020
Sweet Centerless Sixteen
by Michael R. Burch

Inconsolable as “love” had left your heart,
you woke this morning eager to pursue
warm lips again, or something “really cool”
on which to press your lips and leave their mark.

As breath upon a windowpane at dawn
soon glows, a spreading halo full of sun,
your thought of love blinks wildly—on and on ...
then fizzles at the center, and is gone.

Keywords/Tags: humor, light verse, sweet, sixteen, never, kissed, lips, lipstick, puppy, love, infatuation, flirt, flirting, short attention span
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