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I'm terrified
Of loving you
Wanting you
Giving my heart to you

Losing it
Having it break in two
Believing every word you say
And it mean nothing to you

I'm terrified of it failing
I don't want to give up on you
Give me a reason to believe
Feel safe with you

Take this fear from me
Hold me close
Protect me from outside forces
And give me warmth

I'm terrified of this love
Wanting you
Loving you
Giving myself to you
I'll be terrified

But you'll help me feel safe

Be patient with me
Remind me of your love
Enough to take this fear from me
And forget about it...
Julie Grenness Sep 2019
Here is my famous recipe,
Ingredients for love, you see,
You need to slake your thirst,
Here are the elements: First,
Bring your patience kind,
Sense of humor springs to mind,
Laugh together through the years,
Sometimes there are days of tears,
But Cupid ever strings his bow,
Healing hands on his arrow,
Yes, this is Cupid's recipe,
Naughty little chap is he!
Feedback welcome.
austin Aug 2019
Here I present to you
A single deck of cards.

I cannot tell you
which card is on top
nor the second, nor third.

But if we flip one over,
One by one,
And stack them into a new deck,
soon we will know the face
of every single card.

So let's take some time to wander
through these dark, dreary places
And we'll sift through these cards,
Jacks, Queens, Kings, Aces.
Nat Lipstadt Aug 2019
again, madness!

one eye tears, why must you return to the old familiar,
the poets prescribed, already so well covered?


must. it is the only shade of my voice that persists,
all else vanity.
these are words handily eye-read, given.
all I need do is “repeat after me” somewhat well,
and fill in the blanks.

he writes me, in another place, to another name, describing himself:

“I'm a charming man with a fragile patience.”

no sir, Muses order me to disagree,
you are a fragile man with a charming patience!

your fragility is a royal hallmark, embedded in every scribing,
this human indentation, always well hidden, on the underside of the wine cup, the base of the candlesticks, the inside of the wedding ring of your tying allegiance to the humbled humanity.

the charming patience is the wait time tween your visions of
the excellence of the common, the exquisites of the small,
the delights of loss and pain translated into mercurial milestones,

here I cease, for overly long praise is a river too long, no end in sight,
making great and wide just another poem.

he writes me, in another place, to another name, describing himself,
yet again:

”A thousand poems I don't write, but they get written
in my heart.

A thousand!
ours is the patience fragile, your innate screen that filters out

these thousand forbidden unwritten,
needs a cleaning, open the tiny apertures and release them, for we are the humans needing, for the breathing of your fragile charm.

the Muses do thee attend.
their patience neither charming or fragile,
reminding me, they too have a thousand.

a thousand other ears into which to whisper that
imperative imperial command,
and they river no delay...
the days has come when I can only write of others, this is the only shade of my voices that survives.
B D Caissie Aug 2019
I try and walk in someone else’s shoes, regardless of the size of their feet.
Kushal Aug 2019
A heart always tempted,
Forever that which loves.
Broken hearts lay in the wake.

Insecurity breeds fear,
When nothing has ever proved to be
What you wish it to be.

The world revolves,
So too do its people.
Till one day,
Two hearts meet,
Two hearts beat.
And now all around me they stand,
As I stare down at my feet,
Waiting for someone to walk my way.
The price of admittance into my heart is:

One (1) smile
Two or more (2+) kind words
Three (3) words, said like they were meant
And an infinite amount of patience as I work through my problems.
All I want is a love that will last. But sometimes I feel like that's too much to ask.
Em MacKenzie Aug 2019
You know I saw this from miles away
planted my feet determined to stay,
you’re always searching for an answer,
blatant location: Tropic of Cancer,
I try to give direction but it’s something I can’t say.

So don’t go giving up on me
I try my best to make it all easy,
but you’re determined to house this burden,
even though it’s certain I’m the person,
who’s always around even when you can’t see.

I’ve got the patience of a saint and some,
and gained belief and knowledge from
what dreams may come.

Well we’ve discussed this and more
opened the lines and opened the door.
So divided and undecided,
why try to fight it when we can’t hide it,
you can’t go showing someone truth they’re not ready for.

I’ve got the time to wait in slum,
some would say I’m playing dumb
for what dreams may come.

I’ll keep living under heavy thumb,
trying to convince myself I’m numb
to what dreams may come.
Tea Aug 2019
My friends are being taken away by my mother...
I get lied to by my brother...
I know that I am not right...
I so wish that I could "see the light"...
But why does everything seem to be so wrong?
Why does everything seem to take so long?
My mom is keeping me from listening to any song...
Which I think is wrong...
Why do I feel so rejected by my own mother?
Why do the things she said make me shudder?
I am confused and mad...
I am angry and sad...
Because I miss my freedom and my best friend...
I just wish that my patience does not end...
Please help me here...
I can't go anywhere...
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