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Meera Apr 2018
While every other woman lusts over gold and diamonds, the only piece of jewelry she owns is her grandma’s silver anklets.
Though everyone has labeled cooking as a tedious job, she still loves to prepare the Sunday brunch for her family.
While all her friends are busy clicking selfies for instagram, she sits in the corner embracing her books.

Unlike those youngsters who love swaying to EDM, she seeks solace in Mohd. Rafi songs.
As crazy and old-fashioned as it may sound but I have seen her wishing on lady birds
. Whenever she feels lonely and desolate she talks to the daffodils she has planted in her garden.
Instead of facebooking all the mishappenings of her life, she shares them with an old diary.
In the age of breakups, patchups and one-night stands, she is still waiting for her soul mate.

On your birthday she won’t post those cheesy birthday wishes on your time line, instead she’ll surprise you with a delicious birthday cake.  
While, everyone else gets offended over the stupidest of things, she still believes in the magic of thankyou’s and sorries.
The world has been cold and bitter towards her but she has been spreading the warmth of her love wherever she goes.

‘Use and throw’ is the modus operandi of our generation but she believes in mending broken things
Because the hardships of her life has taught her what does it mean to be broken.
Whenever I  wonder about the emptiness of this world, her kind words are enough to restore my faith in humanity.
She is a bit cautious while making friends but she stands by them in their good or bad times.

She is not weird or crazy; she just belongs to a different time zone. In this ultra-modern world, she is still an old soul
Yeah it's a bit lengthy and doesn't look like a poem either but I don't think I could express it in fewer words
Liz Carlson Dec 2017
her bones ache as she moves.
her mind won't follow the rules.

she looks so worn,
i've got a lot to learn.

she knows this life so well.
many secrets she could tell.

however, she keeps her lips sealed,
for she knows it will soon be revealed.
This is what happens when you go people watching around town.
Blossom Nov 2017
I miss the old winters
That warmed up my soul
As a kid, I'd drink cocoa
Coming in from the cold

I could sit by the fire
Mittens drying nearby
I'd watch my brothers sleep
As I made up lullabies

Papa would tell us stories
Like how his cat once flew to mars,
Or how he stole our grand mama
When fighting in a bar

I'd then make up an adventure
Of when we would be all grown
How we'd be the best of friends
And together we'd share a big home

I miss those old heartfelt winters
That held nothing but beautiful glow
But the fire has long turned to ashes
And the house is empty and cold

I place my gloves on the table
Boiling a warm *** of tea
The radio blasts to cover the sound
Of the silence that always haunts me
Isabelle Nov 2016
*Dancing lights
Only hurt my eyes

Screaming and loud music
Disgusting to my ears

Vodkas, cocktails and whiskeys
Never wanted to feel frisky

***, dope, cigarettes
I will only regret

Dancing, party, bar
Never wanted to go that far

Yes I have been to parties
But never will it become my thing

Maybe my past life has an old soul
Who finds comfort in her own hole

Yes, sometimes an anti-social
And sometimes interacting is crucial

So next time you ask me out
Make sure you know what I'm about

Coffee or tea, movies and books
Exhibits and museums let's take a look

A good music or a storytelling
A walk in a park or just talking

Pick me a flower, don't buy me a bouquet
Just hold my hand and always stay
An old poem of mine.
KTN PRL Aug 2016
In the midst of losing myself
I seek console from a friend,
despite it seldom happens
I'm assured she's there till end.

Opening the gates of sorrow,
to her, I have surrendered.
I'm tired, I told her.
Swiftly, a wisdom she offered.

Sometimes, it's okay
not to swim against the tide
Her words hit straight to my heart,
and that I cannot hide.

She was right,
I'm holding too tight on a rope.
With the current against me,
I was tired yet scared to let go.

Sometimes, it's okay to wander
your eyes away from the goal
Letting go isn't equivalent to giving up
but rather,
a way of realization
to take things slow and not lose all.
RatherNotSay Jun 2016
My body is young,
But my soul is not,
I'm trapped in a modern world,
But my heart longs for the past.

I see a world where things are done without technology,
I see a world where talking face to face is important,
I see a world where religion means more than going to church once a year,
I see a world where nature is more beautiful in person than through a screen,
I see a world where quiet is beautiful,
I see a world where I fit in with people that are older than me,
I see a world where music should be made and not bought,
I see a world where cursive is more elegant than a computer font,
I see a world where pictures are printed and hung up instead of shared through a device,
I see a world where letters are written to show that you care,
I see a world where people care more about others than about money,
I see a world where a deep conversation means more than laughing,
I see a world where making the right choices matters,
I see a world where I belong.

But i'm stuck,
I'm stuck in a place that is nothing like how I see the world.
I'm stuck in a generation that doesn't fit my heart.
I'm stuck in a school with people that have forgotten about morals.
I'm stuck in a world where the simple things in life no longer matter.
I'm stuck in a materialistic place.

Through my eyes, the world is falling apart at the seems,
But very few can see the damage,
My eyes have seen the simpler times of which I long for again,
But I'm trapped somewhere that I don't belong.
I'm an old soul living in a teenager's body.
Anthony Perry Dec 2015
Now I lay me down to sleep,
while on a path only I can take,

If I die before I wake, then I pray my friends know what to take,

for if I am to be remembered,
then I wish to be remembered as the one who never surrendered.
Lía Cruz Nov 2015
I see myself as rain

in the soil.

A rebirth,

a mind alive,

a mad, feverish heart.
Lily Oct 2015
Deep in my young heart
I've always had this empty longing for the past
My heart silently bleeds for thy
Like it was a lover gone forever

I love history books because reading so
Puts me in a blissfully euphoric,
Yet miserably nostalgic trance
That would later make me ache for it even more

I miss the places I've never been to,
I yearn for the company of people I never met,
I crave those olden days I have never had the chance to live,
I adore those who have long been dead

Here I am, always craving, always wanting, always waiting,
For that polite, serene, and old-fashioned pieces of love
To happen to me too
When will I ever get to feel
That genuine humanitarian compassion they had long ago?
I'm afraid to be just another lifeless photograph
Withered by time
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