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Mark Wanless May 2020
You theme you are the only one and crap
A conscious **** excreting mindflex mobile
Bone bag commercially impregnated
With a semblance of life called existence
Firmly pegged in this moments suffering
Or relief of suffering called happiness
By most swimmers in the we turbulent
Through cause and calmed through cause to each their own
Journey a needless needful thing of our
Humanity etcetera moving
So we must go no where or now here to
Be the undiscovered country glowing
Light forms solidifying matter forms
Melting cyclic wonderment of what's this
Mrs Anybody May 2020
i always
the right
a split second
also check out my other poems!  :)
sanchit mehta May 2020
this moment is your life,
we search the mistakes of the past,
look to the bright future,
but in that second dont we forget to live.
thinking about future doesnt change it,
reliving harsh realities of past doesnt make it less painful,
then why dont you listnen to me, when i say,
this moment is your life,
dont ruin it, fill your life with life,
if stretched too far, you wont even realise ,when you die,
but if lived to content,
ur life will be filled with bright sights.
MAHABHARATA has inspired me to write this poem...i have tried to convey one of its messages in this poem.
old willow May 2020
You ask for where my destination is,
I smile, but not answer,
My heart is at leisure.

A man on his boat,
Just like an immortal.
His melodic aged voice sung,
“Up is heaven, down is earth,
Where the wind blows,
Is where I go.”
old willow May 2020
Human greatest fear, is the unknown.
To not know, or unknown, is to not grasp.
Humans fear what they cannot control.
Death, is human greatest fear.

Under heaven, no mortal can resist death.
A king would be overthrown;
An emperor would rot;
The world extinguish;
The stars dim;
Such is death!

Death, tiny yet holds an endless profound mystery.
It cannot be held, cannot be touched, cannot be seen.
The dead cannot speak;
The living cannot see.
How could the living see the dead that cannot speak?

Death is the mother of life.
Close, yet so distant;
For deaths give birth to life;
Life, then give birth to death.

Death is the cause, life is effect.
Life is cause, death is effect;
Causality, difficult to grasp.

Mortal, who bears the spirit of the living;
cannot grasp deaths.
Mortal, who bears the spirit of the dead;
cannot grasp life.

Heaven lent you a soul, Earth will lend a grave;
All debt is paid without seeking to repay.
The samsara of life and death,
Who can escape?

The soul, are to return to heaven;
The body, are to return to earth;
Who can resist?
The evil is dreaded by men but not heaven;
Evil and right, no different in its eyes.
old willow May 2020
In the temple amid storms, I met you,
By the balcony, I heard you several times.
It was that time of spring,
The cherry blossoms bloom, foretelling its youth.

Oblivious, for I follow the path of ascetic,
The Ten thousand things began to dull in your presence.
Cold, and desolate, my heart has long hardened,
Loving too deep, sadness is too much.

The flowers that fall only left the vibrant river flowing downstream until the end of summer.
The beauty of nature, are of the past;
Inebriate, Indulging in little of what was left;
Our meeting, witness by the heaven above, and earth below,
This moment, can it last forever?

Life is a dream, very difficult to keep for a long time.
Taking the willow branch when I miss you at the temple;
Love sick is such a wine jar.

Lean on the balcony to feel the love melancholy;
My back is turned, only to remind me of your departure.
After getting drunk, when the dream is still there, you have long left.
Sleepless all night to miss someone faraway,
The quiet autumn has long passed;
I still await your returns.

The world isn’t peaceful, chaos and order;
like water and oil.
There are a lot of wrinkles on the face.
Outside the temple, cold white speckles rested effortlessly;
My breath has long drawn and hoarse.
The people dine with their loved ones;
Alone in this temple, I recall the dreams once again...

In the temple amid storms, I met you,
By the balcony, I heard you several times.
It was that time of spring,
The cherry blossoms bloom, foretelling its youth.

Oblivious, for I follow the path of ascetic,
The Ten thousand things dulled in your presence.
The beauty of nature, are of the past;
Inebriate, Indulging in little of what was left;
Our meeting, witness by the heaven above, and earth below,
Can it last forever?

The fruit of love, bitter shell yet sweet flesh;
One can’t help but take a bite.
The ground is hard, and cold;
Our meeting was ephemeral.

Outside, the storm is not kind,
Alone in this temple, no trace of your existence remained;
Was it just a dream?
The flowers have long withered,
River frozen, no longer flowing downstream.
Was winter always this dreary?
Gazing at the spot you once sat;
Time flicker like dying embers.

Before long, the cherry blossom bloom once again;
Yet the bud in my heart remained unmoved.
The blossoming flower, river flowing downstream amid spring;
Above, the firmament was clear.

Turning my back to see the returning sparrows;
Your figures were nowhere to be seen.
Intoxicated, Indulging in little of what was left,
My dream has long withered.

My knees kneeled at the gate of the temple as the countless nights passed;
Oblivious as my memories slowly disassembled.
Your promise of that summer, I can no longer recall,
The words you once murmur are now faint, and incoherent.
The heaven pitied, but cannot interfere;
The earth comforts but cannot disobey in fear.

Love is a dream, very difficult to keep for a long time,
Once gone, cannot be returned.
There are a lot of wrinkles on the face,
Opposite of the vibrant forest laying before my eyes.
My breath has long-drawn, immemorial moment unfamiliar to the self;
I still await your returns, alone in this temple...
Love is the sweetest fruit in this world...
Glenn Currier May 2020
After a moment of small grace
I realized in its presence there is nothing small.
Lara May 2020
Every tear stands for a memory

You can either cry about memories or you can let them go.

Let them fly away like a bird.

You are able to show your feelings.

With every tear that runs down your face you can make a memory come alive or disappear.

You need to be aware of your feelings.

How are you gonna show you feelings?
Which memories do you want to keep and which do you want to get rid of.

Memories for life or for the moment?

Eitherway tears come streaming down your face.
John McCafferty May 2020
Allow for time to contemplate
choices made in state
Singularity holds a fee
an opportunity cost
Another thought is lost
from the moment we awake
Energy ingested
decisions we are blessed with
Short term gains
instill a greater weight
Communicative building blocks
can help us through today
Think about your space
and the product you create
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
Amanda Kay Burke May 2020
Enjoy every minute you are alive
Bad as well as the good
Bits of happiness wait to be mined
That make life as it should

They said happiness cannot be bought
Please believe that's correct
Leave me peace and thought
To quietly reflect

Another day
Little things
Say "thank you" and "please"
Feel so up and down like swings
Alone with memories

I say be thankful for all
That is fine if you don't agree
Value each moment
No matter how small
They all hold importance to me
Be thankful every single minute
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