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J Mathew Jun 2020
At 3 am I sit on my couch
Placing my head between my knees and slouch,
Waiting for my phone to reach 100
But thousands of memories are reverting in my head.

I think, ponder and contemplate
Couldn't get any answers straight.
All the bemuse have covered me up,
So full that I feel now it's enough.

I asked myself a simple question
Am i doing something wrong?
My brain says you are very right
But my heart says you're on the wrong side.

I move forward to the window
And waiting for the sun to show.
But thoughts do not leave me alone
Made me feel like I'm just a drone
Doing nothing but just mating is not for me,
I'm to collect nectar even while I'm in a spree.

Then I woke up from everything,
I have confused myself in just a blink.
All I think about is past and future but not the present
I stop and say I'll live and cherish every moment.        
                                                By J Mathew
This is my second poem which I wrote at 3 a. m while I was thinking about the meaning of life
Frankie Gestone Jun 2020
Peace is flowing as a river, and I am on a boat sailing down this stream
That’s love- No pain, no worries
Just water playing her music to my ears
I am a guest in Nature’s house
It makes no difference who I am.
Nor if I am me or you, she or he, we or them
She treats us just the same
In this field, there is no pain, no separation between me and it, certainly no gain
Time runs not forwards nor backwards here
All is Now and All will never be back then or later
Because the All that was then and will be later is just Now falsely projected by the mind of separation
There is a comfort in knowing everything changes
But an even deeper comfort in understanding its essence remains the same
Taosim, Buddhism, Now, Present Moment, Peace, Life, River, Wu Wei, Time, Understanding, Love
Amy Perry Jun 2020
The musicality of the moment,
Brought by the way my tongue
Flicks against my palate with
A satisfying smack like bubblegum tricks
Is a greater bliss than the pauses
Between a Mozart piece
Where the essence of the music lies.
The peace, the stillness, the absorption
Of higher vibrational photons and forests
Of enchantment, reading manuscripts,
Prescription bottles, poetry, philosophy,
Thirsty to fill a void grey and dull,
Coloring my world with the sound of language.
Finding new ways to contort and contemplate
Writing and meaning and verse.
Channeling insights from the universe.
c Jun 2020
I have been falling in love
With finding distraction
In every person I meet
Wasting time is all I seem to do well

I am running out
Of time to waste
And I’m not sure
I can distract myself
Any longer
Poetic T Jun 2020
I asked him to ring my bell,
    dude couldn't even ring the
right spot.....

Tried knocking but I kicked
                          him from the door.
Thought he'd have a good time.  
           But he came a knocking
and he'll have to try a new bell...

But I don't think that any one will
                                 answer his lost call.

I'll have to answer my own call,
     no batteries needed to answer
                  this call..

No need to call up no fool that
        cant answer a simple call...

I'm relaxed, no need to ring me,
                                    till I've woken up..
Dreamer Jun 2020
I wonder was it in the shine sun or
Was it in the dim moonlight,
Whenever it was it was the moment
I fell for you
A M Ryder Jun 2020
This is happening
I am here
I am looking at her
And she is so beautiful
Febronia Ventura Jun 2020
Anything is everything
Day In and Night Out

Right here in this moment
Instead of apart

Exchanging deep whispers
Loving our touch

Forgetting the hours
Reacting with kisses

Instead of strangers
Growing as lovers

Lingering moments
Affirming we should be one.
A name
A person
A man
A dream
A reality
A lover
Shin May 2020
Storm the beach with sand-filled eyes.
Burying hatchets along the way.  
Let the turtle dove rest in your palm.
Hum the hymn for the sinful demise.
Bless the butcher and embrace the calm.
Lay in the gravel, embrace the newest day.

Driftwood and briar leaves, brambles and hay.
Dance with your demons, sever your earthly ties.
Destroy all around you, burn down the psalms.
Just turn off your mind, your balance, your sway.
It is time now dear child, you shall retire your qualms.
It is time now young darling to release your final sighs.
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