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Nidhi Jaiswal Aug 2020
Where there is misunderstanding,
There is no perfect relation...
"Everyone accepts this truth as true"
But still,
I felt sometimes...
"Misunderstanding is perfect way to understand"
I know,
May be my thoughts are right or wrong...
"According to situation"
But still.....
Misunderstanding is filled with sorrow for few moments,
But When we understand,
"It clears our doubts and makes our relation as strong as much possible"
So about my opinion....
''Misunderstanding is the better way to understand"

''Misunderstanding is the better way to understand"
i feel sometimes so much sorrow and pain, when i misunderstood but after few moments, when i understand...than i feel better as soon...
according to me..
''Misunderstanding is the perfect way to understand"
Michael A Duff Jul 2020
I could it have been chance, our connection so deep it could be seen by the blind?

Are two souls spilt searching for eternity to be reunited, I can say the moment it felt complete like none other?

Hold too tightly or too loosely jt slips away, eternity is long we will see each other again.

It couldn't have been chance.
I k we I was having fun but what I didnt know in my life was a connection so deep, finding my other half in a fiery painfully obsessed beautiful woman with a past to drown your soul.
Spriha Kant Jul 2020
As I stepped into the sea waves ,
I got drifted into our friendship and no longer remembered about going back to the sea shore.

The moment you held my hand in your hand amidst the sea my fear of sinking under it wiped out like that of sand houses on the sea shore under the violent waves and I bathed in your pearly love , my seashell.

Swim with me till those stream lines where there's no trace of the sea shore and I will submerge and breath in them with you as a mermaid till eternity.
Erik Luo Jul 2020
Feeling your fingers caress through my head
As the summer breathes wash over my face
Seeing you smile as I lay on your knees
Looking in your eyes with nothing but me

The fiery clouds are dancing around the sunset
As if they saw the greatest love story
To play this song and have you in my arms
And feel your being with all of my heart

Through the nightfall there is our tender love
The great mystery is revealed to us
To the knowing of this lifetime and all the pasts
We realized why we had to come back

The infinite dream has all that we want
But we chose each other
To plan this moment for eternity and more
We woke up to saw
a lifetime of love and wonder
A vision I saw long ago, inspired by a song called About Us by Kisnou
Pawnesh Dixit Jul 2020
Life  is the name of which flying bird
not necessary to know
thinking is crime
pause is unknown
wherever whoever wants  to stop the moment

with  the cycle of  mutual gossip,
with the seductive artwork of t.v.
with  the magic of sports
with the dream ‘s illusion work
Deterioration drivablition,
Sobbing of this golden cycle happeneth;
by coming of earthquake,
moving  away of dear one ,
breaking of sweet dreams,
with the onset of untimely illness,
with the increasing of confliction
decreasing of ultimate peace

Now person feels stagnant blame for innocent luck
Becomes a philosopher in his own life
Again to seize a new moment..
Redaviel Jul 2020
The taste that beg to never leave
This warm moment is hard to believe
Hiding from their eyes, we stay still
In a room meant for release, let me feel
Our eyes meet and souls twist for the ****
Warm love waiting as skins begin to peel
Praying for the fire as we both kneel
Staying together is hard to believe
This love that beg to never leave
Puny Penguin Jul 2020

• I know that I am mortal by nature.
My presence will eventually be erased,
and I will be forgotten.
But for each and every dreamlike moment I spend with you,
for a brief moment, the universe holds its breath.
Time stops. If you blink you’ll miss it,
but if you don’t… you’ll see an
immortal and pure love that transcends time and space.
Everything will fade to black
and there will just be us and only us if not for a fleeting moment.

• Like watching a timelapse of the night sky,
like watching the glowing star trails,
time flies when I’m with you.
We spend hours on end together
only for it to seem like a handful of minutes.
Time marches on. He is his own master. He waits for no one.
Through Time’s eyes, us humans
have only been around for less than a fraction of a second.
Despite that a mere second with you is an eternity.
Even if it’s a passing moment, it’s a moment spent with you.

• Things are temporary.
There are only so many hours of sunlight,
only so many hours during the quiet night.
There are only so many fairy-lights lighting the night sky.
And our time together will also one day come to an end,
as all good things do.
Despite this, the years spent with you,
the months, weeks, hours, minutes- each and every single second
spent with you will be treasured and cherished.
You are loved. Now, today, and until the day that I die.
Not the original format... but this'll do. And to you who spent a passing moment, a short glance at my writing... thank you.
M Solav Jul 2020
If I told you to visit this moment
To look around just an instant,
Would you refuse, would you consent?
Would you see what no-else can?

If you did, how could you share?
In penumbra, light up the flair?
What if you did, what if you dared?
What if you did yet no-one cared?

Everything sees through its essence,
Anything else it may comprehend.
Here lies the Fog, a forest so dense,
Spreading across, throughout the land.

Right up in front, close to your faces,
Written in crust are a thousands promises.
And along its growth at increasing pace,
At each of your blinks a few words erase.

Now you look back, but now it's too late.
Now's what you'd purchase at any given rate.
When there's no time and where there's no fate
Nothing no longer ever has to wait.

Plunged in darkness, see that you're blind;
Even there lurks something that shines.
Here is the Way, that path you must find,
Hidden within and without any sign.

When life stretches much too far to see,
To look way further is never to be free.
When gazing below, deep down the dark sea,
Know that beyond always floats this clarity.

So here I've been asking, but I'll ask one more time:
Having been through, is there two of a kind?
When raised in this manner, no question's ever clear;
Thus poems and rhymes are allowed to end here.
Written in July 2015. Old stuff from after (or before) a buddhist retreat.

— Copyright © M. Solav —
This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
Devin Ortiz Jul 2020
My life changed on a whim.
For no particular reason I watched a squirrel scurry up a tree.
He, or she (but not an it), stared at me.
They went branch to branch, stopping here and there to observe their new observer.

And how many times has this moment passed by, going unnoticed.
How many times had this animal instinct been drowned out by the clutter of daily life.

It wasn’t as though I had disregarded life before, but this was a fundamental awakening.
Before I could wrap my head around the simplicity of this divine happenstance,
I saw a cardinal swoop down on a fence-post a few feet away.
Again, I was enveloped in the novelty of this life.
I was in a state of dull wonder, looking at the vibrant red, the low swoop of the crown, the small of the body.

The trance broke, another squirrel scurried past me and up a tree.

I noticed this one bore a scar.
The hind leg was stripped of fur.
The skin wore the discoloration of freshly healed flesh.
They too, stared at me, perhaps perplexed that it was being watched.

I walked on.
Then finishing my morning walk, I noticed many things.
It was not just life that was intriguing me, it was the way the mundane began to scream at me.
I walked through abandoned lots, noting the way their roads would crack and crumble.
I noticed broken security cameras from long departed offices and buildings.
I noticed the broken marlin in the trash heap behind some house, no longer sporting its beak.
I noticed an old ford with a rubber rifle shell for an antenna and a load of wood planks in its bed.
I noticed a graffiti stick figure on the short bridge, some dystopian cave painting.

All of that to say, a hidden world became revealed.
A world that existed underneath my own, blurred by its previously perceived unimportance.
So now, I wonder what to do with this knowledge.
I think I’ll borrow its magic.
I think I’ll write down the bizarre normalcy that I see.
A running list of averages.
It is the beginning of something.

A door has opened.
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