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Jean Lewis Jun 2018
can YOU heAR my quiEt screaMs?
or perhaps an unspoken voice?
have You ever seen dRy tEArS?
Or simply deaf and bliNd by choice?

mIne is a sMile full of grIef,
eyeS So bright yet empty indeed.
mY dull life once set adrift
lost a sOUl found yet filled with greed.

but i'm PLEASEd as i drink some wine
Spare the fArce and ViE for your Might.
trust thE words that says I'M fine
Don't worrY everythING's alright.

I CAre NoT if you're wiTh him
and for your sAKE, i will rejoice
for my Lord hears sooTHIng hymnS
MY HEART, that sIngs a siLent nOiSE.
a pain calm like the storm
-Jean Lewis
May 20, 2018

Challenge: Hope you find the hidden message... well it's not exactly hidden its just in a different "case"

I miss her so **** bad.

— The End —