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ShowYouLove Apr 2017
You are Light, You are Truth, You are perfect and good. So here I come. Here I stand. Humble and broken. I fall down with my face to the ground. You lift me up, take me in, and wrap me in your arms of Amazing Grace. I cry to you, I crawl to you, I fly to you, Jesus help me give my all to you. Who am I that you should know and love me; one so small and weak. If I will be still and listen I hear you speak Body and blood, broken and shared, poured out and spilled: surround me. God of creation use me, work, move and live in and through me. There is love, there is beauty, there is love in the sacrifice, and while unworthy, you gave your life, deemed us worth the price: all so we could live in love and communion with you for all ages. We will dance and sing and shout for joy. The old will pass away and we will be made new. One day, all will be made clear, but sometimes I'd like a little clarity down here! Mary, our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, lead us to your son our Lord. Hail, full of Grace! The Lord is with you! Hear and intercede for us that through you, we may obtain some of this Grace for ourselves. Holy Spirit, bond of friendship and of love, let us be open. Rain down your love and truth upon my life. I hunger.
ShowYouLove Apr 2017
Prayer for Peace

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. Forgive and heal us, especially in the Holy Week leading up to Easter. We have fallen so far and turned away from you. There is so much death and suffering and sorrow. You know this pain intimately. We need you Lord more than we realize or care to admit. In your perfect love for us you gave us free choice and we need to accept the consequences for our choices good and bad. There are so many innocent and faithful who are suffering as a result. Take pity on them Lord and have mercy on us all. Lord let all be done according to your will not mine, but I would ask that through the intercession of your mother, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, through your Most Sacred Heart, the heart of the father Joseph, God the Father and by the power of the Holy Spirit, you would show this world a sign of your love. I pray that as the sun rises on Easter morning in the fulfillment of the hope of the Resurrection and new life that we would have hope and peace. Send your Holy Spirit to fill our hearts and flood our lives and move us to act with compassion and understanding toward all of our brothers and sisters in Christ and every one we come in contact with. Be with us always Lord help us to love one another and you as you first loved us.

I ask this and all things with confidence to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and through the intercession of Mary our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament and Joseph her most chaste spouse.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. AMEN

— The End —