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Kai Jan 2022
In the reserved room built with teenage angst
sat a guitar waiting for a dear friend.
My quick fingers were tentative to touch.
I listened to the chords I brought about—
played a tangle labyrinth. I wish to quit.

Was that a G sharp or a B flat note?
Frustration brews like a furious storm.
I wanted to toss everything away.
This instrument? Not mine. And that is that.
Too embarrassed by my ineptitude.

I loathe guitars! I cannot play them right.
That riff was supposed to be heavy metal.
Not math rock, but it’s enough to settle.
That might change if I use guitar pedals.
Cmon, keep your head high. Let it stay bright.

A friendship with my guitar has begun.
There are bounds I’m still trying not to reach.
And one day, I’ll be good enough to teach
or possess an audience at the beach.
Hey, the guitar is becoming quite fun!

****, metal. I’m a stoner rock artist.
I can play bends, solos, and vibrato.
Look, I even came up with a motto:
to thrive, start with anger in a bottle.
With my advice, you will go the farthest.

My fingers’ pink blush irritates my skin.
Still eager to play. I ignore the sore.
It doesn’t feel like a chore anymore.
This instrument? It’s mine. It led to doors.
It helped me find heaven and become kin.
Learning the guitar's not easy, eh?
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2022
I know I make you suffer because you remind me all the time
As if yelling words helps me over this mountain that I climb
For a moment why don't you put yourself in my shoes?
Sure if roles were reversed it'd be a different life you'd choose
I want you to be satisfied with me the way I am
And wish you could see that I actually do give a ****
I care about opinion more than you realize
Not able to escape the crushing disappointment in your eyes
Well at least you have made your point crystal clear
Cut ego down daily then have the nerve to say I'm wanted here
I would walk out
Have nowhere else to go
I get high yet somehow still feel just as low
My pillow wet from tears almost every night
Zero point in arguing because you believe you are always right
I wake every morning hating myself more
Isn't your fault but you escalate the war
Internal conflict my ever present curse
Battling with you only makes everything worse
Chasing unrealistic dreams like dog after their tail
Subconsciously aware I am doomed to fail
I wish for once you could take a chance and put some faith in me
Allow room to make mistakes even if you disagree
I know how you feel so there's no need to rub it in
Deragatory remarks remain etched into my skin
I hope someday I will find the strength to rise above
Conquer demons
Discover the parts of me you unconditionally love
Trust when I say I wish I was different just as much as you
It's not that easy to change simply because you want me to
I love you when you make me feel so very bad
And apologize for the countless times I have caused you to be sad
No matter what we go through you will forever be my mom
In the future we can both work on staying calm
I'd corrall moon and stars for you if I thought it would make your smile last
You can't enjoy the present when you're caught up in the past
We wear the same size
David Naumann Jan 2022
Just a moment wavering in the air,
holding on before it unfurls.

Gently letting go with care,
as it whirls away in those blue ivory curls.

A hug, a caress, a touch...
of a second which seems so faint.

Yet to not have enough,
to uncouple the real and the feint.

All that is left here is echoes.
All that is left here is echoes.
Karijinbba Jan 2022
Call me using  your name as my own.
did you call me today Jan 16? 2022?
I see a most magnificent table.
Plates and utensils are all in gold.
Our eight treasures siting
to be served are our children;
Our offspring our family.
Our second table sits to serve
our thirty two grandkids.
There are bouquets of red roses
along the tables.
The joy is inexplicably sweet
yet bittersweet feelings
engolf me so deep tears choke me.
All I suddenly see now
are white lilies over such mystery
tables along with red and white roses.
God help me with such regret
*** i miss you true love.
and I always truly loved you
all you had to do is not walk away
I had escaped hellenic hell
and had amnesia typical of ptsd
I adored you then and worship
you now till the end of time.
Gratitude beauty perfection
heavenly grace is your other name
at the gates of the heaven
your heart of gold showed
my only jewels are my three kids
Patricia, Josephine Rose
and Joella middle names
are rddbba last name is
Cun&ham in your world
but in our unreal world
we got unreal names!
why use real names
in an unreal world!!
need you call me

678-517-5066 I wish I must talk to you.
bless me please I am home.....less
Chloe Dec 2021
It is strange to think
that I will never again
smoke a cigarette
for as long as you
and I live

Does the universe
Or do we just
push it to its

Already I feel
so unworthy of you
You are an angel
but I am no god

Maybe I will be better-
benevolent and unenvious
I would be anything
for you

It’s strange to think
that I could produce good
into a world
that has brought me to my knees
I now cradle you in my heart
and fall asleep
Chloe Dec 2021
What is fertility
but a little you
and a little me…

Like a car that’s been driven for too long

Watching it stick before your eyes
Slip and die

No hope of my own
But love is infectious
I love you
And love brings life into this world
Maitsholo Dec 2021
Broken or not
It can be in the war zone or in paradise
The “moment”
I mean the tears and the laughter we share
when we remember the good and bad times
It revives the feeling of home

My family have a strong bond
No energy breaks it
cos it’s not up to us in the end
Our bloodline have decided that we gonna be a fam
No matter what
Steve Page Dec 2021
I noticed the sudden silence
balanced on the off beat
of a carol left incomplete,
but after a while I found
- despite my long belief -
I was enjoying
the competing peace
a little more than the jingle,
the insistent hush
more than the chimes
the spreading rest
more than the dance.

And I put it down
to the close knit company.
A quieter Christmas, what with one thing or another.
Cailey Weaver Dec 2021
It's my second Christmas without you. Well, ironically, I've never actually had a Christmas with you. Even when we were together, we spent this day apart. But still, I think of you today, and I feel your absence just as any other day.

Does it make me sad? Sure. You did radiate light once upon a time. But that was before you stopped caring, and before we both said and did things that we regretted.

In truth, we died out years ago. It doesn't mean I don't love you from afar, and it doesn't mean I don't remember the good moments that we had. I miss sparkle in your eyes and your gentle smile when you were happy. I miss your laugh, and your jokes. Your silliness, and even your arrogance sometimes. I miss your grumpy days, and how you'd shrink into your shell when you wanted to be left alone.

Because that's what love is... It's loving the good along with the bad. I miss it all, but deep down I know that it's not you anymore.

We aren't the same people that we used to be, so those arms that I miss today, aren't really yours at all, that smile that remains in my memory, isn't yours either, and the laugh that lit up my world, belongs to someone else. The memories are of you, yes, but that which makes my heart ache belongs to you no more, because you have not that to offer. You have nothing to offer me, just as I have nothing to offer you.

So I hope that today, you smile, and laugh, and that you have warmth in your heart, and that maybe you miss me just that tiny bit, just as I miss you. But maybe the things you miss about me aren't mine at all. Maybe they're just shadows left behind by memories of once upon a time.
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