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anonymous Dec 2015
after julio cortázar*

my bourbon

i drink it at a bar, alone

its translucent honey-color is an axolotl's eye
looking into me

and, like a cortázar story,
little by little,
my bourbon axolotl steals my body,
its soul stealing through my eyes to evict me from this
honestly-not-that-well-kept apart

and i feel my bourbon axolotl eye replacing me
as i am drawn out into its glass prison

and i stare up as my bourbon turns me
gently in my glass
as my bourbon raises me to its lips
sips me
no longer winces
or even registers any emotion on a calm-liquid-surface face
eyes wet and flat and blank as a tumbler ******* deep

and i don't know where i'm going or what i'm becoming but
this feeling of spiraling and draining and emptying
is everything that i know

and there is less and less of me as bourbon stares down
and silently consumes me
and i am disappearing
and i am gone

and bourbon stands,
calm, but not serene,
and bourbon walks to my car, each step carefully measured,
and bourbon drives my car to my apartment
and bourbon sleeps in my bed and goes to my job and collects my paycheck
and bourbon falls into habit and routine
and bourbon feels my

but having a body, a life, is better than being trapped in bottles and glasses
it's probably better, anyway

and bourbon won't go back, won't trade flesh back for silica,
will keep living unfeeling behind glass-eye walls until skin and sinew unknit

and bourbon is so alien and content that
it never wonders if there is anything more,
never despairs for its ending road,
treasures every drop

bourbon calls this body, this life
top shelf

bourbon knows that **** ain't cheap
magical realism drinking poem partially inspired by a short story
Alev Jul 2014
Toco tu boca, con un dedo toco el borde de tu boca, voy dibujándola como si saliera de mi mano, como si por primera vez tu boca se entreabriera, y me basta cerrar los ojos para deshacerlo todo y recomenzar, hago nacer cada vez la boca que deseo, la boca que mi mano elige y te dibuja en la cara, una boca elegida entre todas, con soberana libertad elegida por mí para dibujarla con mi mano por tu cara, y que por un azar que no busco comprender coincide exactamente con tu boca que sonríe por debajo de la que mi mano te dibuja.

Me miras, de cerca me miras, cada vez más de cerca y entonces jugamos al cíclope, nos miramos cada vez más de cerca y nuestros ojos se agrandan, se acercan entre sí, se superponen y los cíclopes se miran, respirando confundidos, las bocas se encuentran y luchan tibiamente, mordiéndose con los labios, apoyando apenas la lengua en los dientes, jugando en sus recintos donde un aire pesado va y viene con un perfume viejo y un silencio. Entonces mis manos buscan hundirse en tu pelo, acariciar lentamente la profundidad de tu pelo mientras nos besamos como si tuviéramos la boca llena de flores o de peces, de movimientos vivos, de fragancia oscura. Y si nos mordemos el dolor es dulce, y si nos ahogamos en un breve y terrible absorber simultáneo del aliento, esa instantánea muerte es bella. Y hay una sola saliva y un solo sabor a fruta madura, y yo te siento temblar contra mí como una luna en el agua.

Julio Cortázar.
Anyelo Montero Jun 2014
A la final me dejé de tantos tecnicismos. De tantos margenes y cánones.
Me aburrí del molde cortazariano y de los coloquios de García Márquez.

Me cansé de tantos esquemas y lineas.
Las palabras cursis no enamoran a todas las chicas.

Y menos a ti. Y a ti que no te gusta la melancolía ni los suspiros ni las tardes frías.
A ti que no te gustan las cosas tan profundas; ni Cultura Profética ni Vicente García.

Así que te escribí esa carta en la que te decía lo que sentía.

Y recuerdo que cuando te dije que te escribí una carta de amor en mi cara te reíste y me dijiste que aborrecías.

Ay, cariño. Bastante cara me saliste.

Mucho gasté en rosas y chocolates que a la final no te entregué.
Y ahora me encapsulo de nuevo en mis moldes.

Y supongo que después de tu fiasco más nunca de nuevo saldré.
Borges Jun 2014
Como el ojo que ve la liquidación de un planeta, la mano de un cometa, la generación no perdida, la aritmética y el cálculos, la proporción física y metafísica, la alimentación y lo bohemio, lo dado y lo rechazado, el cazador y su pesca mas grande que el,
Un gesto, una mano mas rápida que la otra. Una visualizadora tranquila y naturalidad, en sostenidad futuras.
Red Libros Hacedor
Borges Jun 2014
He woke up early today while the sun was still young in the sky, he hadn't dreamed tonite, he was still opening his eyes and getting ready to give up the bed and get up when his eyes lost their focus, he wasn't sure if he had something in his eyes or if he was dreaming. He tried closing them for a couple of second but to no avail, he was completely out of focus, he looked around his bedroom and tried to see the outline of the objects around him, everything had a soft haze as in dreams were things are not physical, so he picked up the book that was on his night stand to try to see if this optical effect or illusion was also with objects closer to his eyes, the book's title was kafka's diaries, but it read as kafka's daisies, strange he thought, as soon as that thought of strangeness left his mind the title return to normal and he took a look at his hands, then around the room. It seems the hazinness left his eyes and everything seemed normal again as far as eyesight goes, since he always had 20/20 vision, so he got up, went to the kitchen. Turn the stove on for some tea, made himself an omelet and left for work. Kepre was a nomal twenty year old as far as human being go, he studied at the university of Buenos Aires and during the weekend worked at a local bookstore, today was saturday so he was on the way to work. He hadn't noticed yet or even felt that today everything would change for the better.

Muere después de nacer...
Borges Jun 2014
I can play cards.

La sexualidad sera discutida por las mentes mas brillantes del mundo haber que hacen…
E E Cummings, Cortazar, Borges, Jung
Stephen Lindow Apr 2014
This is the ladder---your first steps into the height. There are no apples. There are no angels. There is only broken shadow and socket; a rounded house of milk and voltage. Now, as you unscrew the bulb with fingertips, listen for the sand. It is sand from ancestral beaches were all families of glass have been blown. A beach where dinosaurs are continually struck by lightning. Continue swiveling until the blown-out bulb is free from the ceiling. Come down, but do not look down. Use the eye in each shoe to find the lower rungs. Place the old bulb in with the dish of pears. The new carton of bulbs are close by, sleeping. Unwrap a fresh bulb from its onionskin pajamas and ascend the same ladder previous. Using your musical hand, insert the threaded end up into the unthreaded beginning. Turn gently in the direction of sunrise until snug. Pull the chain, for the light of God's echoing equation will now sing. Squint and descend.

— The End —