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Jamil Massa Aug 2017
Oh anyone, shout loudly in my mind
Because these waves are around
And the time machine is this town.

Neigh of horses, the gambus melodies
Each other competing their memories
Cacao, copra and cloves scent, who will arrived first at the commoner tiredness end?

The wooden ship had left the dock
While the farewell is like a rainbow
That turned away from deserted land
and rock and hollow.

The sky is half frozen
The bay breeze screamed
On lightning and lighthouse
But this town is still and tough
To chanting prayers
for the strangers
So that they can healed from conflicts, From politics and any love story
which made of ****** and melancholy.
(The original version - Indonesian)

Berteriaklah Sekerasnya

Wahai kau, berteriaklah
sekerasnya dalam kepalaku
sebab ombak begini amuk
dan kota ini sesungguhnya
mesin waktu.

Ringkikan kuda, petikan gambus,
pengepul kakao, cengkih
dan kopra saling berlomba
kenangan siapa yang tiba lebih dulu
di penghujung rasa lelah perantau jelata.

Kapal kayu itu telah meninggalkan dermaga
sementara perpisahan adalah pupus pelangi
yang berpaling dari pulau-pulau sepi.

Langit separuh beku
angin teluk menjerit
pada petir dan mercusuar
namun kota yang tabah ini masih betah
merapalkan doa-doa
agar orang-orang asing
segera disembuhkan.
Dari sengketa, dari politik,
dari kisah cinta yang pelik.

— The End —