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Holding you between my lips,
I would speak in tongues
And remain forever mute.
Although I need to taste you,
There is rapture in anticipation.
I delay the moment that you yield, then burst,
Your perfect, perfumed juices
Trickling slowly down my chin.
The first sweet cherries are ripe, and they are delicious. Everyone is picking and gorging, they won't be there for long.
Avery Greensmith Jun 2014
your lips are coated in poison
(full of death)
but mine are coated in lipgloss
(full of death).
He'd rather choose the poison
then fall prey to a girl
with cherry lipstick
and a pretty face
pulling him in and never
letting him
kris evans May 2014
the flower that blooms in adversity
is the most rare and beautiful one......
like these cherry blossoms......
it reminds us how to not lose our hopes....
.no matter how long the winter stays.....
a spring is sure to follow......
.and how we are blessed of being alive under a cherry tree....
.leisurely taking in its beauty  .....
.sure i want to be laid
under a cherry tree
when i leave my mortal robes in this world...
...such is its beauty........
kris evans May 2014
walking under the cherry tree...
and thinking about the time that i have....
counting all the little stones.....
thinking they might turn sapphire gold....
walking along the pavements ....
worn out by many playful feet.....
holding on to my yesterday.....
when we used to be just kids
Jas Citrine May 2014
My soul whispered a secret to my heart,
It spoke of spilled blood upon a rose,
Rouged lips within the garden,
Drops of crimson liquid blush.

Nature’s beloved colour is green,
So red speaks of originality,
Blood is a passion,
Scarlet bleeding from thy own,
A claret sun dawning beyond,
Sanguine stained skies.

When the little cardinal sings sweetly,
A doorway opens I never chose,
Visions of a bloodshot key,
A lock rusted with dried blood.

A glimpse through the keyhole,
A pale forest awaits on the other side,
Showers of cherry blossoms,
Falling upon the snow.

Red berries bloom under crystal snow,
Glints of sunlight touch down,
Sparks of fire captured within,
Just beyond this rubicund door.


The dreams I am allowed,
Burn and scar my will,
When the door swings open,
Of its own accord.

Damask petals on the wind.
How warm and gentle that spray of blood,
Like a hundred tender kisses,
And the golden keys to Heaven.

I glimpsed the gules of true heraldry,
A suffused spirit at the dawn of memory,
Imprisoned by a cage of vermillion frost,
Warmed by a glass of spiced wine.


A roseate palace at the end of a long walk,
Painted titian by my tear drops,
Caress a florid complexion,
Carmine not my own.

Roan stones dusted,
By the fall of Angels light,
Make-believe incarnadine carpet of,
A mirrored auburn dusk.

I settle back into the maroon night,
The darkness flushed by concealed art,
Bay canvas touched-up with unreal imagery,
Indifferent to the passing of my former life.


Rubies fall from ruddy clouds,
These gems are not for me,
Reddened glass has come to pass,
The moment of my undoing.

[PAUSE (Epilogue)]

Red is not for me,
Red was not meant to be...
[Unedited / Un-extended Version; extracted from unfinished novel manuscript Blood Rococo, by Jas Citrine; Submitted May 24, 2014; Copyright 2014]

[Not finalized; it is written as a song for artistic effect; ten stanzas have been omitted]
joyce knee May 2014
Let's traverse the universe together.
I'll navigate the hot air balloon
And you'll mark a trail,
dotted with echoing wonder and laughter
and cookie crumbs and popcorn kernels.
Let's traverse the universe together.
We can fly paper airplanes to all our friends
and only communicate through bottled messages
and shooting stars with wishes attached.
Let's traverse the universe together.
you can lean on me when you need to, and
you'll carry me when i trip on my laces
People will point and whisper that we're time travelers,
or just gone loony.
But we're just the good amount of sane-
80% crazy, 10% sense, and
10% who cares?- As long as we're together.
We'll eat drippy summer popsicles together-
the kind that're 50 cents and you need a friend to eat with.
We'll surf rooftops to look like we're badass- and we'll trip and add to the
piles of scrapes and memories.
We'll build a secret bunker-
password and secret-code included
with more canned food than we need, just in case zombies come after us.
We'll catch frogs and try to make then fight-
but they'll just hop away, back into the pond
And we'll follow suit and go experience the world with them.
It's too short to ask why,
let's just do, instead.
Let's traverse the universe
and write odes to each other, and get drunk
off of our own poetic justice.
Just you and me.
Cherry pits and broken fragments
of sticks that once served as swords
will litter the roads we once trod.
People will say:
the world is too much for us to handle.
Well they're wrong,
we're too much for the world to handle.
Let's traverse the universe together.
Cherry lollipops,
Roses, typos, mistakes, signs
And blood are all red.
*foggy wet shroud
early morning haze lingers
crickets chirp with frogs


silver rain hangs thick
golden rays take holiday
dewdrops mix with tears


cherry blooms unfold
silver over petals pink
misty gray mystery


under foggy cloak
cherry blossoms remove doubt
mystery darkness glows


misty morning gray
silver over rose and thorn
diamond drops sparkle
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