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Bri Jan 2015
Like a cherry blossom I swayed in the wind, petals falling softly as I slowly faded away.
blythe Jan 2015
Lovely cherry blossom tree,
I want to see you
Blooming with pink perfection;
Give me happiness
No other could bring.
20W :) I really want to go to Japan just to see cherry blossom trees :)
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
When it is springtime, I open my windows wide.
The smells of flowers and cut grass are such a delight,
When, they come inside.

What does Spring smell like?

It smells like;
forsythia bushes,
daffodils, crocus, tulips,
cherry blossoms and cut dandelions.

What does Spring smell like?

Spring smells like;
The wonderful smells of;
laundry drying on the clothes lines,
fresh breezes,
and dirt.

All the smells of springtime,
are all so excellent, fresh, new and
such a delight!

© 2013 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
FUN Spring Song! - (Spring is HERE!)
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
She is mysterious, as strange as a daytime dream,
So remarkable, I see a
Princess dressed in a kimono covered with cherry blossom leaves,
Floating down river, under a canopy
Of pink and white Sakura trees.

She is so extraordinary, as unique as a double rainbow at sunrise,
So dreamy, as dreamy as a seaside sunset,
Her unconditional love scatters,
Like cherry blossoms in a fresh breeze,
Seen in rippling waves of sunshine.

So fantastical, as fantastic as a pink rose blooming in the desert,
So magical, as magical as our dreams coming true,
Princess Sakura singing, like an Angel,
She spreads her wings and flies away,
Like vanishing Sakura, leaves at the end of spring.

Princess Sakura, you will live forever in my dreams...

© 2014 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Cherry Blossom Girl - Air
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
A pink kimono
Adorned with velvet flowers

Standing there in the Springtime mist of Japan,
Guarded by Sakura trees.
Skies are blue,
Singing a beautiful song,

Pink lips like adorable flowers on a spring day,
A most beautiful, kind and loving princess to ever
walk Japan.

Your beautiful face,
Your kindest soul,
Your adorable lips,
You smiled at me.

You have the prettiest voice,
that calms my soul.

You're the most beautiful and loving princess,
ever to walk Japan...

© 2014 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Princess Sakura Poem Reading 1
statictitanic Nov 2014
I always was a strange girl,
Never having a tight grip on reality,
Escaping the gravity of sanity
Keeping my head in the clouds,
Never certain if my feet remained on the ground

Upon the innocent clouds,
I explored this new Garden of Eden,
and found you
Bearing a rain cloud
In the darkest part of the sky,
You were only a lonely boy,
A fallen angel,
Stuck between the bounded Earth and---
The kaleidoscope of stars

Wherever you chose to roam
Perfection would be concealed by flaws
The stars above; burning and untamed
Up in the sky in its sanity of perfect insanity
Just twinkling little specs
To fill the big void
of black

You taught me sanity is best judged by those who lack it,
and like that,
Your heavenly figure,
Was all I thought was right

Our love blossomed
like a cherry tree
We inked the Twilight sky with hues of--
pink purity, violet passion, and crimson red
Like a rose,
With a thorn

Like a thorn, you cut my heart
And a ******, red dawn appeared
I realized you were just a demon in my safest haven,
I fell from the Garden,
Falling back into a cage,
All you left behind,
a single, black feather

The sky erupted,
Clouds letting emotions free,
rain drowning all the life on Earth
Killing the cherry tree
And me.
Luna Sep 2014
Cherry lips, cherry wine

No cherry's scent as sweet as thine

A kiss for you and a beating heart

Cherry lips, these cherries mine

Cherry wine still in a glass

But cherry cheeks drained white at last
I seem to be inspired by couples on the street
Tamara Miles Jul 2014
Somehow, I managed to get to my thirties
without eating a cherry --- a fresh one, anyway,
raw, untamed, unshelved, and forgodssake,

I had them in pies, gooey, sickening, too much
syrup, and in sundaes --- again, not real, a turn-off,
saw people tie the stems in knots,
I had the impression, I think, that if people
had to do all the things they do with cherries
to make them flavorful, they must be really
**** straight out of the bag.  
I made my mind up that they were unpleasant
and I would have nothing to do with them.
Even, or especially, in chocolate-covered cherries,
which my mother loved, so I wanted to love,
I could at best eat the chocolate around that
thick viscous sugary embryonic fluid
wherein lay the embittered, unborn and unloved cherry
and not the coveted prize.

So imagine that day when, careless at a cocktail
party, or at someone's house, hungry, I nibbled
at a fresh one, deep red and whole, gingerly working
my way around the stem and coming awake
to ohmygod what have I been missing all these years?

They still seem brand new now, every time, a delicacy,
something wealthy people indulge in and so not really
belonging to my world.  They beg for the company
of wine and the most delicate cheeses, they ask to be shared
and doted on.  The keep revealing themselves,
on the plate, unadorned, and they keep reminding me
to try something else that I have never tasted,
like complete and utter honesty, or looking at myself
naked, without judgment, even at the innermost
feminine parts, upside down with a mirror until I see why
they say making love for the first time is giving away
your cherry.
A poem for anyone who is afraid to try new things.
Fred Schrott Jul 2014
I don’t know how to even get you there.
Don’t really know you, but it seems so unfair.
But if I could have your smile just one night—
a single, solitary, everlasting night.
You could call me the pilot light that would
heat the chill way deep inside your stove,
way far away
down at Cherry Grove.
Take me to the place inside my dreams
at Cherry Grove.
Lead me to the time of our life
at Cherry Grove.
Just one more thing that I need to know:
Will you want to go?
I will help you to believe a dream,
a reverie to see—
at Cherry Grove.
From, The Transitive Nightfall Of Diamonds, due out 8/14 from iUniverse books
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