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Michael LoMonaco Nov 2018
The easy route is calling your name,
Offering an easier path to glory.

Promising a way without obstacles,
But deceitfulness is waiting at the end.

By skipping corners on the trail,
Steps are missed that will ruin the outcome.

The longer journey will possess barriers,
Yet the quest to victory will be fulfilled.

We must be patient with success,
Or else rushing will collapse progress.
Michael LoMonaco Aug 2018
Society says tears of a man shows weakness,
That the warrior can no longer fight with honor.

He lost his ability to fight with his sword,
Unable to show aggressiveness in battles.

Sorrow from lost love is a justified defense,
Agony by the torturing whip breaks the man.

Resistance from not crying drains stamina,
A war all men lose by the hardships in life.
Michael LoMonaco Aug 2018
The struggle isn’t a walk in the park,
But winning the war doesn’t require a miracle.

Saying this operation requires tough skills,
Describing talents you don’t possess.

Referring it as a suicide mission,
Stating that you will never recover.

That the quest will lead to self-grief,
Causing continuous days of misery.

You were called up for deployment,
Whether the critics like it or not.

It is a duty to take on your assignment,
Fighting for the right to success.

Because if you don’t battle in the conflict,
You will be eaten by regret your entire life.
Michael LoMonaco Aug 2018
When people insist a goal is farfetched,
Decisiveness prompts the will to excel.

Self-encouragement is on a mission,
Battling criticism by trying to succeed.

The world is in a destructive war,
Attacking on every side to beat success.

Engaging risks that can harm potential,
As threats by civilization conspires talent.

Struggling with enthusiasm to win glory,
Sparring the enemy through self-dignity.

Applying discipline to an opposed cause,
Desire for victory duels with a sharp sword.

The ambitious purpose can defeat the odds,
Not surrendering for diligence of passions.
Michael LoMonaco Jul 2018
Dread can cast a shadow over confidence,
Trapping you as a prisoner pinned by fright.

Crawling underneath the isolated ditch,
Hoping that avoidance will expunge fear.

Always hiding in that tiny corner,
As valuable time is being wasted away.

That dark cloud will haunt you if not conquered,
Always inflicting terror while controlling your life.

It’s never easy to confront apprehension in the face,
But a necessary task to break free from the darkness.
Michael LoMonaco Jul 2018
The human tendency craves a desire,
Hungry for that item we don’t possess.

Upset that we don’t own that luxurious product,
Bothered by the fact that we don’t own more.

Instead of focusing on the missing,
Cherish the valuables that currently bring joy.

We can dwell on what is absent,
But let’s be grateful for what is terrific.
Michael LoMonaco Jul 2018
When misery controls my cognitions,
The bottle calls my name from every direction.

Trying to lure me in at my weakest moment,
Alcohol attempts to draw me back to addiction.

The cravings are strong when I am vulnerable,
But I fought too hard to give up on a long war.

Surrendering sobriety if I get drunk,
Forfeiting the happiness I achieved over the years.

Continuing to deny the false promises of the drink,
So a bright present and future could evolve.
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