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Sherry Juliet Jul 2017
and I looked at you all the time
you were my best friend
but this was different
it was in that moment
through laughter
and inside jokes
when I looked up at you
and realized
by god
  I love this person
Sherry Juliet Jul 2017
I love you
so deeply
and not in the way of butterflies
or nervous glances
or sweaty palms
in the way of calmness when you enter a room
in the way that I can see a future with you
where you kiss me goodnight
where we drink sweet tea on the porch and watch the sunset
we exchange gentle kisses
and hold each other
through hurt
and through everything bad in the world
I love you
  Jul 2017 Sherry Juliet
Once, he was asked,
"Tell me what is true.
Why is it that you
write just what you do?"

He laughed, and said
with half a smile,
"I write so you'll
fall in love for a while."

After a pause, he said pleasantly,
"Not with me - I'm a liar, you see,"

And grinning wildly,
he spoke his conclusion:
"Love is a poet's favourite illusion."
As requested, the full version of the poem that long-adorned my bio.
Sherry Juliet Jul 2017
when I first met him
he was a friend
years passed, we barely talked
I was too distracted by looks
and people who didn't love me
I didn't even see him
and now
now he's all I see
but he's moved on from me
he found someone else
someone who noticed his smile
and his gentle ways
and kind heart
someone who will treat him better than I
all because I missed it
I missed him
because I was too busy
focusing on beautiful facades
and dollar bills
to see him
he moved on
  Jul 2017 Sherry Juliet
Akira Chinen
Whisper to me of soft sins
and hard moans
I want to know
who you are in the dark
When you are naked and alone
I want to feel the stain
of your wet kisses
up and down my kneck
Push me onto my back
and carve your name
into my chest
Sink your teeth
into the corner
of the inside of my thigh
There is no pain
when I have the pleasure
of being in the reflection
of the carmel desire in your eyes
Pull me under the secret universe
you hide in the mad love
within the pulse
and rhythm of your stars
Drown my breath in the colors
and pallet of the beauty
of your blood red lips of lust
Leave the scent
and taste of your flower
To haunt the eternal hunger
you have seared
into the marrow of my bones
It is only by the warmth
of your breath
that I can enjoy death
and rise and die again
  Jul 2017 Sherry Juliet
Tyler Matthew
to love a poet
is to admit the world
is tragic
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