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Emily Tyler
New York City    "Well I'm so tired of the rain Falling softly on the ground Just enough to get my feet wet But not enough to let me …
Tyler Lynn Pulliam
Niantic, IL    Neatly Primly Null I am Tyler and I am something resembling a writer. I live in a small, industrial city. I live in a robin's …
Tyler Durden
Virginia    I hope you don't regret me
BB Tyler
"A good traveler has no fixed plan, and is not intent on arriving." - accredited to Lao Tsu, but Bilbo probably said it too
Tyler Matthew
27/M/U.S.    "I am large, I contain multitudes" I identify as 1965 Bob Dylan standing in the doorway of a Greenwich Village nightclub with a lit cigarette …
Tyler Nicholas
we rise again in the grass. in the flowers. in songs.
Tyler Lockwood
attention is the beginning of devotion
Tyler King
Ohio    Rock n roll suicide
Jaxton Tyler Redmond
Utah    I'm just trying to get through this life like everyone else. Writing is deeply underestimated it is the freedom we feel from the things holding …
24/M/PA    shitty poetry. get me feeling right
Tyler Cobain
Ireland    Please let me know what you think. I'd really appreciate it!!
15/Forever in the Unknown    "There is a cry behind ever smile and a story behind every hello" ~T A.M
25/M/Arizona    My anxiety’s throwing gang signs.
Tyler Brooks
Poetry is something I really enjoy. Have a nice day.
Blaise Tyler Beach
M/Parma, Ohio    I am Blaise. My soul is deeper than I dare guess. I would very much appreciate all thoughts you have about my works, so feel …
Tyler A Sullivan
27/M/High Ridge Missouri   
Tyler Zuniga
23/M/Oklahoma    Im just trying to find out what makes me happy. I express my emotions and thoughts through my writing. I hope you can find something …
Emily Tyler
Georgia    Alone, Away Always
32/M    To love her and have her come back to me, will be my greatest adventure.
Hello! I am a 21 year-old poet looking to share my poems. I have not been writing for very long and I am still trying …
18/M/Norway    I like to write about sad things.

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