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aldo kraas Aug 2023
Are we still there?
Praying to God
Every night before
We go to sleep
Yes friends
It only takes a few minutes
To pray to my God
Also, you can ask in you
Prayer for my God
To give you some health, peace,
And a stress-free life
Because your friends live
A stressful life
Every single day
That you live here on
Also, you don’t live a peaceful
Life friends
Because your life is in a turmoil
Also friends you no longer
Live a healthy life
You suffer
From bad arthritis
In your legs and back
My friends
Also friends you must
Remember that our bodies
Are also fragile
Friends another day is about
To end now
The sun went down
Friends right now
And friends you saw
The beautiful sunset
Now friends it is already
Night time
And friends you can’t believe
How fast the night arrived
Also, my friends are going to
Bed now to sleep
They never stay up past their bedtime
So my friends go to bed early
Every single night
So they can get a proper sleep
Every single night
Now friends the morning has
And it is another day
Full of sun that my father
Brought to you my friends
Friends you had taken a peek
In the sky and there was no
Trace of rain
Friends, I must say
That you are very lucky with
The weather
Also friends you will have
Lots of days without rain
Friends remember
That you should enjoy the
Because the Summer
Is ending soon
And also friends my father
Will end the hot weather
Then my father will bring
The Fall for you
Also friends you will be
Having the cold days during
The Fall
And friends it will be the
The right time to put the Summer
Clothes away
And friends now is the time
For you to wear your Winter clothes
That will be your flannel shirt
And also wear the top part of you
Long johns and also the bottom part
Yes friends the trees are now changing
There color from green to gold
And some people are raking
The dead leaves of the trees
My friends
And also some people
Are placing the dead lives
Inside the garden bags
Yes now the trees are
Already bare for
The winter
Friends today is the
The day that we are going to change
The clocks
One our back
Also, the Fall ended today
My father brought the
First day of Winter today
Now the days are shorter
My friends
And it gets dark by 5:00 pm
My friends find it very depressing
And I don’t blame them
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Are we still there?
Praying to God
Every night before
We go to sleep
Yes friends
It only takes a few minutes
To pray to my God
Also, you can ask in you
Prayer for my God
To give you some health, peace,
And a stress-free life
Because your friends live
A stressful life
Every single day
That you live here on
Also, you don’t live a peaceful
Life friends
Because your life is in a turmoil
Also friends you no longer
Live a healthy life
You suffer
From bad arthritis
In your legs and back
My friends
Also friends you must
Remember that our bodies
Are also fragile
Friends another day is about
To end now
The sun went down
Friends right now
And friends you saw
The beautiful sunset
Now friends it is already
And friends you can’t believe
How fast the night arrived
Also, my friends are going to
Bed now to sleep
They never stay up past their bedtime
So my friends go to bed early
Every single night
So they can get a proper sleep
Every single night
Now friends the morning has
And it is another day
Full of sun that my father
Brought to you my friends
Friends you had taken a peek
In the sky and there was no
Trace of rain
Friends, I must say
That you are very lucky with
The weather
Also friends you will have
Lots of days without rain
Friends remember
That you should enjoy the
Because the Summer
Is ending soon
And also friends my father
Will end the hot weather
Then my father will bring
The Fall for you
Also friends you will be
Having the cold days during
The Fall
And friends it will be the
The right time to put the Summer
Clothes away
And friends now is the time
For you to wear your Winter clothes
That will be your flannel shirt
And also wear the top part of you
Long johns and also the bottom part
Yes friends the trees are now changing
The color from green to gold
And some people are raking
The dead leaves of the trees
My friends
And also some people
Are placing the dead lives
Inside the garden bags
Yes now the trees are
Already bare for
The winter
Friends today is the
The day that we are going to change
The clocks
One our back
Also, the Fall ended today
My father brought the
First they of Winter today
Now the days are shorter
My friends
And it gets dark by 5:00 pm
My friends find it very depressing
And I don’t blame them
Blake Aug 2018
Here’s a little story
About a daughter
And her family

See the daughter has depression and anxiety
But the mother is oblivious
The mother is unaware of the depression
She genuinely believes that cutting and the fact that her daughter goes to therapy are linked to anxiety

And yet
Even though the mother seems to think that it’s only anxiety
Meaning that the anxiety is that extreme
She still wakes the daughter up
By screaming
She still questions the daughter
In front of a crowd
She still yells at the daughter, overwhelms her
And sends her into a panic attack

And yet all the people on the outside see is a mother worried about her daughter
And trying to help her
By taking her to therapy
But they don’t see the locked doors
They don’t see the screaming
The name calling
The belittling
They don’t see
That the mother
Is the reason that the daughter
Has to fight
So **** hard
To want to live

They don’t see that the daughter is only happy with her friends
They don’t see the scars on her arms, legs, and hips
They don’t see that the daughters only escape is when she’s not at home
They don’t see that the very therapist the mother takes her to
Is proud of the daughter
For staying alive
In such
Blood doesn’t mean family

But enough about the mother lets move on to the father.
The father that refused to pay child support for the first 3 years after the divorce
The father that had a second child, the daughter’s half brother, with another woman
The father that is engaged to a different woman now
The father that, when evacuated from his city due to a fire, took his fiancé to Jamaica instead of seeing his kids
The father that forgot his daughters birthday
The father that is “old school”
Which just means
And homophobic
Blood doesn’t mean family

Next is the sister
The sister that supports me
The sister that laughs with me
The sister that understands how I feel
The sister that helps me when I need it
The sister that believes in me
That loves me
The sister creates fun and amazing stories and experiences with me
Just because she’s in the mood to have fun
The sister that raised me to be a good person
That taught me
And teaches me
How to get through life
Blood doesn’t mean family

The friends
The friend that gave me a reason to live
The friend that gave me a reason to laugh
The friend that showed me that it can get better and that they love and care for me and they don’t just “hope I get through this” but that they are going to be there and make sure that I get through this
The friend that marched with me with a rainbow
The friend that treated my relationships the same as straight ones
The friend that told me she’s open to the experience if I want to kiss her
The friends that I can flirt with and we laugh about it
The friends that I can flirt with and it becomes a little more than just friends
The friends who maybe I’m not as close with but who still show interest in my life and what I’m interested in and let me talk about activism because it makes me happy to empower people
The friend that made me believe in beautiful
The friend that stayed up with me when I had a nightmare about my molesting and help my hand until I fell back asleep
The friend that stated up all night on FaceTime singing songs together from our favourite band
The friend that boosts my ego when we go to the gym
The friend that cried when she found out I self harmed
The friends that worry about me and want me to get better
The friends that live far away
The friends that live close by
The friends that have shown me more love and happiness in the past year than I’ve known my whole life
The friend that was there even when I felt numb to the world and they just let me be but they made sure I know they’re here
The friends that ask questions when they don’t understand
The friends that are interested in what I do
The friends that offer me a place to stay should I need it
The friends who make sure I eat
The friends who worry when I don’t eat
The friends who sit at the back of the bus
The friends who get drunk
The friends who throw skittles at people
The friends who are in my class
The friends who are older than me
The friends who are younger than me
The friends who help me with homework
The friends who show me there are good people in the world
The friends
Who stick by me
And show me
Blood doesn’t mean family

We don’t choose the situation we are born into
But we do get to choose
Who our family is
So thank you
To my real family
For not only keeping me alive
But making me happy to be.
The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb