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 May 2019 Sam Vaghi
Debbie Taylor
Eyes blinded by sight
   Hands numbed by feeling
Smell suffocated by senses
   Heart crushed by blood
Humanity shrouded by shadow
   Love drowned by greed
Dreams displaced by reality
   Wisdom replaced by savvy
Sunlight blocked by pollution 
   Trees reduced by buildings
Time accelerated by technology 
   Souls infected by emptiness
Earth overrun by humans
Humanity... is it all its cracked up to be?
 May 2019 Sam Vaghi
Debbie Taylor
I love to create
Imagining a world
I have all to myself
A beautiful planet
I'd be free to roam
Lucious meadows
Bustling with life
Rolling hills framing
Magical sunsets
A world uncorrupted
Free from heartache
But the problem with
Creating something
So stunningly beautiful
Is that it eventually
Becomes extremely hard
To return to the real world
So as each day passes me by
I retreat deeper and deeper
Into this unreal cocoon
 May 2019 Sam Vaghi
Debbie Taylor
Unlike that famous song
   Words can come easy
When arranged just right
   They can numb or astound
Pack a punch or a hope
   Make you laugh or cry
Deepen the darkness
   Or enlighten the soul
And in the depth of despair
   May bring a glimmer of light
      To ignite a spark in a heart
   Here or in some far-off Galaxy
 May 2019 Sam Vaghi
Debbie Taylor
   is a myth
   they tell
you to
 May 2019 Sam Vaghi
Lost Poet
 May 2019 Sam Vaghi
Lost Poet
Words are like lines,
You can mold them,
You can draw them,
Pictures are formed,
Colors bleed through,
They are mine alone,
No one else has the lines,
Inside my mind,
Only I can twist them,
To carve my pictures,
And so I paint them,
Everywhere I step.
 May 2019 Sam Vaghi
Debbie Taylor
Wild Child
Crouched inside
A naughty grin
As eyes go wide
Hair untamed
Covered in leaves
Acorn in one hand
Ladybird in the other
The trees her father
The earth her mother
Trying to free the wild child within...
 May 2019 Sam Vaghi
Debbie Taylor
Relaxing to the core

Watching the blanket of stars
   decorating the sky above me

Smelling the soft scent of plants
   as the wind caresses my face

Listening to chirping crickets
   competing in the darkness

Tasting the absolute nostalgia
   so palpable on the night air

Feeling the powerful silence
   of the earth beneath me

And of course giving in return
   as mosquitoes join my therapy
 May 2019 Sam Vaghi
Debbie Taylor
looking backwards in time
done so effortlessly
revisiting those moments
that made life absolutely magical
that shattered hopeful spirits thoroughly
smiling sadly

looking forward in time
done with difficulty
trying to imagine the unimaginable
hoping for sunshine and gold
expecting only heartache and pain
sadly smiling

why the pessimism?
Trying to say it's easier looking back than forward...
 May 2019 Sam Vaghi
Debbie Taylor
Brains out
   wired wrong
Inclined to see the dark
     And shadows
   We forget
That we only see shadows
     because the sun was shining
And we only know sweet joy
   Because we tasted
     Bitter pain
Words of Sam Vaghi, my rock
 May 2019 Sam Vaghi
Debbie Taylor
Freedom from Discrimination
Unless you belong to the wrong race
Freedom of Religion
Unless you follow the wrong religion
Freedom from Gender Bias
Unless you're the wrong gender
Freedom to Speak your Mind
Unless you contradict those in power
A complete Farce!!!
27 April 2017
But this is not only restricted to South Africa
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