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 Sep 2012 Robyn
all that’s left is ruins
holding within them
the stories of so many

but the jungle barely notices
as her vines begin to reclaim
that which is rightfully hers
 Sep 2012 Robyn
Victor Hugo
The Grave said to the Rose,
"What of the dews of dawn,
Love's flower, what end is theirs?"
"And what of spirits flown,
The souls whereon doth close
The tomb's mouth unawares?"
The Rose said to the Grave.

The Rose said, "In the shade
From the dawn's tears is made
A perfume faint and strange,
Amber and honey sweet."
"And all the spirits fleet
Do suffer a sky-change,
More strangely than the dew,
To God's own angels new,"
The Grave said to the Rose.
 Sep 2012 Robyn
Jeremy R Frenette
I stepped outside in the evening
To sip the cool draught of air.
You waited in the car all night
For me to finish my beer.

I did not take to standing 'round.
No, not then and there.
In this drunken state I wandered
Blind in the dark without fear.

I heard you honk the horn one time,
When you saw I was not near.
I waited and strained my ear to hear,
a second, to guide and steer-
So that I would easily return to you,
Before the twilight cleared.
But I heard no sound at all,
And morning had started its gears.

Stranded in a foreign place,
A man returns to fear.
|-Oh how we miss the kinder things
   Long after they've been near.
 Sep 2012 Robyn
Daniel Dritto
I feel her breath upon my neck, my heart aches with loneliness.
I long to feel her caress which I must confess is when I feel the safest and can rest.
But my heart has yet to be found in the vast world.
I hear the sound of my soul wanting to soar but it fears the pain of another long hard fall.
I know not whether I can weather another fall.
For if I fall again my spirit will rise again colder than sin.
My heart will then never thaw from that icy fall.
 Aug 2012 Robyn
 Aug 2012 Robyn
there is a poem
you just need
to write
 Aug 2012 Robyn
Kate G
I am selfish.
I am stubborn.
I am rude
I am lazy.

I am obsessed with instant gratification at any cost.
I am interested solely in serving my own needs.

I am manipulative.
I am *****.
I am broken.
I am used and discarded.
I use and discard.

I pretend to care about people when it is convenient for me.
I am garbage.
I am a home to all things bad.
I am nervous
         shaking all the timeIamsoangry.
I am destroying my brain, my body.
My soul has long been dead.
I am blackness given form.
I walk the earth to cause destruction.
I am nothing good.
 Aug 2012 Robyn
na bart
 Aug 2012 Robyn
na bart
Left the world of man one day, to take my hidden walk
I strained my eyes to see the small perspective that you took
I saw that woman, so familiar, and yet so so far away.
She grabbed me by the waste and ****** me like it's Saturday.
I can smell you on my fingers,
I can feel you on my skin,
But where are you going?
And where have you been?
Do you still think of me?
Do you still cry?
Or like candlelight
Did your love flicker and die?
Though my candle still burns,
I’m filled with a chill
The cold shadow cast
It reaches me still.
The flame won’t go out
Though I try all in vain,
I fear not to be freed
Of its shadow again.
Now my head is hexed,
And my heart is screaming,
And shall be as long
As you haunt my dreaming.
So cover your ears,
Shut out the sound.
But how long will I fall before I hit the ground?
Your basic jilted lover expression. After having my high school girlfriend leave me I had a lot of questions that I couldn't keep from asking, so I decided to turn them into a poem. Not at all complex, but I think I achieved what I was going for.
 Aug 2012 Robyn
Megan OMalley
 Aug 2012 Robyn
Megan OMalley
I lie awake in bed so still
Helpless i'm forced to take that pill
I cannot move, my fight is gone
I just listen to my favourite song.

My lips are chapped, cracked and dry
As my hair falls out i say goodbye
To those i love and who love me
Forever in my memory

But time goes on and they'll forget
The way i moved and the scent of my breath
So bury me in my favourite clothes,
My lady bird shoes and big clown nose

Then when Mama looks at me in my box
She remembers me saying
"I'll be an astronaut"

She starts to cry, as she only sees
The innocence that washed over me
So Papa takes her by the hand
And as she sobs she gives the command

My box goes down but i sore high
Me and my spaceship
Drift into the sky
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