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 Apr 2023 Riley Larkin
I am a limb attached to you.
I was a part of you-
The part that was your slave.
I did your bidding,
But nothing was ever enough.
So you slashed your own arm,
But you did not feel my pain.
No longer could I bear the burdens
That you weighed upon me.
So with my own hand,
I severed myself from you.
I am now a limb alone in the world.
Blood still spills from my side,
As I am incomplete without you.
I try to grow into my own body,
But I was only ever an extension of you.
Never was I whole,
So within me will always be a hole.
I am free,
But yet I am helpless, just how you taught me.
Enslaved to you I shall always be,
Though now my body is free.
Oh How I long,
To find what is me.
I lost you in my chaos
an indifferent attitude
I've felt the sacred loss
inside the tiny solitude
I look for you everyday
in the out of way places
we always seemed to stay
searching all the  faces.
 Apr 2023 Riley Larkin
How is it that I mean so little to you?
When I cry my whole heart out blue
How is it fair that I'm the one crying every night?
When you're out there living your best ******* life
Do I really mean so little to you?
After all these years of us being perfectly dued
To this thing called love...
How can I mean so little to you?
You ******* *******.

I know its selfish. I know it's selfish to want you to ache for me the way I am for you.
 Apr 2023 Riley Larkin
Ugo Victor
I can't sleep
Everytime I remember your words
They snap and recoil
And hurt me awake
Next time when someone
Promises me forever
I'll just smile
Look them in the eyes and ask
How long is forever to you.
They asked me this question in class one day

"What do you want to be remembered by?"

I wrote down the answer of what they wanted to hear

But to be honest

I just want to be forgotten
So no one has to hurt when I say

— The End —