Let the sun shine and the wind blow and may nature all of her glory show. Let rains fall and give life to parched ground and may all creatures eat of the food around. Let the snows gather up on the mountains high and may the stars shine brightly in the night sky. Let the waves of the ocean come in and go out and may the moon be full and lighten all about. Let the weather be pleasant and not too hot or cold and may the earth retain for long its youthful mould. Let everyone be happy and able to make ends meet and may we not be too greedy unable to share a treat. Let the world and all it contains reveal the Divine glory and may all humanity live in harmony and tell the story.
Let mankind prosper and reach out for the stars and may we remember and heal all of our scars. Let our knowledge grow and practical wisdom prevail and may all people benefit from what this does entail. Let love for one and all abound in various manifest ways and may people everywhere show kindness in their days. Let all posterity know that the difficult transition was made and may the spirit of progress towards perfection never fade. Let all things be used for those worthy ideals and construction and may they not contribute to some unfortunate destruction. Let us all work towards the same universal and common ideal and may we live in truth, love and beauty and keep them real. Let’s not forget from where we’ve come and where we’re going and may all that we think, say and do be of some help bestowing.
Let there be light instead of darkness and so dispel all ignorance and may there be compassion where there was once indifference. Let there be some hope and joy instead of gloom and despair and may the sounds of peace and happiness vibrate in the air. Let us all have faith in ourselves and also in our fellow man and may we all live by justice and mercy as best as we can. Let’s not dwell too much on the past or future ignoring what can be done now and may all that is to eventually happen be to everyone’s advantage somehow. Let us keep in mind what is positive and that which appears right and may all that we think in our heads be guided by the true light. Let those who sincerely seek find whatever it is that they really need or be after and may it be something they’ll never regret or cause them to lose their laughter. Let us all learn by and realise the many errors that we make and may we succeed in perfecting ourselves for our own sake.