Continuity your filibuster egg of sand dazzled curiosity with creaky shell of hints heaped upon the tedium of knowledge's unfurl undeterred by encyclopedic impatience
Assurances of rip(Van Winkl)ed economics shooed paper strings of revelation like anarchy-powered taxes summoning a foreword to anachronistic campaigns of environmental friendliness
Meanwhile years have been filed down to flashes of chronology for continuity's organic rebus
However long it took the economic karma to fall into the abodes of hedonistic pharaohs it was instant
Skin that ruled behind the constitution of allergic breath bailed on the bones against their most sublime intentions
Limbo-treading landlords huddled in their mummified freeze after breadline bashers scolded them with the spoils of a new brand of pyramid scheming
Robbers of the coffin palaces stole the intimations of identity theft from today
Immortality and freedom were compelled to share a meaning like estranged siblings or bound dynasties
Abydos how you coyly toyed with us with a diversion bordering on monolithic