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Mar 2014
I think I have multiple personalities
As every emotion washes over me
One minute I'm smiling a million miles away
The next I am crying
There's no words to say
I think I bit the apple of ever changing tides
Cause just one day in my life
is like a ******* roller coaster ride
When I'm right , I'm wrong
When I'm up
something quickly knocks me down a peg or two
And if I look in control
I'm fooling me as much as you
I open my eyes
The days filled with possibilities
But it ends up the same
Exhausted by the ever changing personalities
It's not you
It's me
The way it's always been
I wash myself clean
From head to toe
But somehow I'm still *****
I've let myself go
And I promise myself a day at a time
When the sun rises
Everything is always fine
But as the hours tick tock
So does my enthusiasm
As my body twitches
my head spasms
If you hear it enough
Then it's enough to believe
Even though your sure it's untrue
You've heard it so much it seems real to you
The personalities start to peel
I wonder if I managed to break them one at a time
Theres a person so deep
That no one can find
If I vision myself hard enough
What will be the conclusion
I'd probably be standing
Amongst my own confusion
For I'm an illusion
hard like rock
I can take a mind beating
and still stand faithful
Hard to break me
I'm  like Fort Knox
You can punish me sideways
Or straight up and down
And I'll forgive you in a moment
For I hold forgiveness golden crown
Because there's a person in me
And if she feels one ounce of love
She'll hang on for dear life
For a pound would probably be asking to much
She's willing to forget the hurt you had her see
And love you with whole heart
Then there's another girl
She makes your **** real
Makes the pleasure feel like nothing you ever did feel
Makes you aware of how grateful you should be
Cause nothing in this life gives you better love than she
She's loyal and strong
And always out of bounds
And you worship her feet
You treasure her ground
But you don't feel this feeling to long
For eventually you say something
And she swallows her tongue
Subdued and submissive
She crumbles to your needs
She builds you a fortress
And always agrees
Runs for you
Jumps for you
Can never reach quite far enough
Balancing legless to hold you above
And sometimes a day feels so heavy on her shoulders
But she switches personalities
And it lets her become a soldier
She marches along
And in a second she will have a different apron on
There's many personalities
They all serve a purpose
They keep her composed
So when she feels naked
She'll actually be fully clothed
When she feels lost
She'll no exactly where to be
Because the personalities
Switch her to the person she needs you to see
Am I talking as a third person ?
There all in here with me
Walk in my shoes
They fit one of me comfortably ....
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