Talk in between the covers, we have a lot to hide. Left a piece of distress resting on the pillowcase.
Your head was heavy as your lungs. And between the weight of the world and smoke, I wondered what kept you down. What broke into your heart, and stole from you?
Nose running, but dry, trying to mask insecurities. You must of forgotten your eyes, yearning to cry. Life bled you dry, and left you empty inside.
I tried to be by your side, but you chose the night. To hide away in your fears, Better you being stuck in them, than them being stuck on you.
What broke you?
Not the world, but yourself. The world gave you the hammer, telling you to strike. You couldn't take any more of this living, so you opted to take your life.
But I quickly held you down, and whispered, "it's going to be alright." A tear shed into pieces, and with my tender loving kisses I told you, "you don't have to die tonight."
Not unless we're dying as two, but I'll firstly die for you.