Dad wanted to find what talent I had since the age of two, He told me to sing, After a few days he gave up, Our neighbour sounded better in the bathroom. Next he gave me a box of crayons and told me to draw, The pictures I sketched made him weep, But, he hugged me and said one day I was going to be an artist. After that he put me into sports, Football,tennisball, badminton, I preferred to watch T.V.and eat popcorn, He tried to join me in dance classes, Which I stubbornly refused to attend. Finally I found my own talent, Writing, Writing and writing, Mum had left her writing pad and pencil to make shopping list on the stool, I took them, sat on the carpet andΒ Β started writing, At first words,then broken sentences, Mostly I would copy paragraphs from books, I became better and better, Dad was delighted, His dear girl had found her talent. 5/5/2020