In a dimly lit garret the year nineteen ninety nine a voluptuous body laid flushed aside me rosy cheeks glowed faintly in post ****** sheen wet matted auburn hair fanned a softly smiling face warm soft skins wearing warm soft skin in close fit tightly cute tender lips nuzzle my right ear and I shiver slightly tingling her hand reach across my brown chest and retrieved a remote control she pointed it at the audio system on a plinth in the far corner this record came on and filled the subdued hue of the room the melody wrapped around us like a honeyed duvet she rolled atop me and her sure hand guided me in we gasped softly past sugar gate into sugar walls she hissed a quiet moan my reply was a groan we started sailing gently riding hot waves "this is OUR record, she whispered hotly promise you'll always remember me" " I promise, how can I forget " early summer and bright day year two thousand and nineteen alone..... in a brightly lit room time for a Brand New Start I haven't forgotten you here's to you
This is also to you wherever you are now its our song....