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Mar 2019
I am in this prison, no escape can I find.
I have been convicted – punished, for another man’s crime

There are many things which I am guilty of – in denying, I would be remiss
For those I should be charged – another man’s crime, absolutely not— not this!

I didn’t break your heart – why should I do the time?
I didn’t  make you cry – why should I pay the fine?
I didn’t cause you misery – why should I go to jail?
I didn’t leave you lonely – why should I be in this cell?

For the many wrongs I’ve done, I would gladly pay for them all.
But for another man’s crime – I walk this justice hall

I stand; -- boldly proclaim –not guilty! – My innocence plea!
I was not at the scene of the crime – mistaken identity.
What heinous thing has he done – what unforgivable act?
What was the crime – I am charged with accessory after the fact.

Tell me what I have done and I will gladly make amends
Don’t make me pay, forever pay, for another man’s sins

I was not there when he did you wrong – wasted words that I say
I was not there when he rejected your affection – your trust he did betray
I was not there when he turned your world misty blue- it was him and him alone
I was not there when he left you broken– that deed is his to own

Why am I impaled for an unknown deed – ignorance is no defense
I throw myself on the mercy of the court – may I approach the bench
He committed the prefect crime – walks away scot-free
Enjoys all the benefit of his wrongdoing –I get the third degree.

Debtor Prison, is my sentence – yet it should not be.
I am an innocent man – yet, you grant him clemency
He forsook your love, took what he wanted, and walked away
But I am the one sentenced-- his debt I’m forced to pay.

When I am holding you -does it remind you of his embrace?
When I am kissing you- do you still see his face?
When I am loving you- is it him you that you miss?
When I am caressing you- for him do you reminisce?

You were a victim – now you victimize.
Creating more damage than you realize.
Because of one man’s wrong, you create wounded of your own.
Perpetually they pay for a crime, for which they can never atone.

It is easy to hurt other when you can’t feel any pain
Yet I pay the price, the one led away in chains.

How can I fix – what you refuse to say?
You want let me close, I’m always keep at bay.
The time may have come for me to throw in the towel.
The jury has been fixed – it’s an unwinnable trial.

Before my leg irons are put on and I am forced to go…
Let me speak now, let my record show,
I gave you my all –it wasn’t good enough
I gave you my best –never gained your trust

I only wanted to hold you and never make you cry
I only wanted to make you smile, girl that’s no lie
I only wanted to please you, but it was not to be
I only wanted to make your happy, the laugh’s on me.

Time is running out, there’s not much left to say
You shut me out, you push me away.
I hope you come around before too long.
Or you’ll wake up-- old – lonely- -all alone.

What I’ve been through- just not right.
I surrender - wave the white flag– no strength left to fight.

Hurt—pain – broken trust – you’re not the only one
Don't end your faith in love because of what he's done

He still controls – your heart – your soul – your mind!
My heart grows heavy –lost hope of your being mine.

Yesterday –gone – present - wasted – future - there’s time
Don’t make every man pay for another man’s crime!
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