There is nobody following me and even if there was, so what, I am not going to make any accommodations for them.
Years ago, I removed my rear view mirror, no need for it, not necessary, I have enough to contend with out front.
Especially when I am behind women drivers, they only use the mirrors to put on lipstick, they never look back, I give them the fingers all the time.
Saint Christopher, the patron saint of travellers was sacked by the Catholic Church not long after the test was made easier and females took to the roads.
Insurance companies were inundated with claims, priests were being called out to anoint people and as always, the badge of this saint on the dashboard.
Statistics became available, the accident rates exploded, all because some drivers, like myself were convinced that there was nobody following them.
So, if you are female and think that I am a right chauvinistic *******, you'd be right, but, but, sure I'm only having the craic, I don't mean it, are you following me ?