Life in a worthier cope Treasured smiles and the moment of necessity's inclusion Worlds of foremost sincerity, truer by youth Can we see the invisible now, the rigid mercy in a silence?
Sakes and eventual life, to know a can't Of repose and reality ready to say Is a patience of ache's and pain's, a history to want? Or is it a laugh with friends, and neighbor's...
All agree - does a lover count? Passion and desire, to dance and dance Presence of many and the mine to tell how The beauty in could, truth's to wish a way, romance
The dance so far... Life to an unparalleled sense, of purpose And a richness of decency come with subtlety in shares Of consciences, too seemly not to give, a heart if losing
Beauty has a suggestion Life is our forward gift, to need the better of another Been and deliberated with dread, or the sides of intuition For the blessing's we make, as if the star's themselves, a hopeful bother