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It's like walking on a straight path
You thought it was easy
Until you feel the need
Of rest and water
Or maybe a company
And maybe a warm body
Just to hug
No, not just a warm body
Only that one warm body
That you miss the most
If you're here now
I would just grab you
Make you dance with me
To this song but
You're not
So I'll just dance
With this teddy you gave me
Through the night
I effing miss you and I know you don't or maybe I'm wrong. It's okay. It's my choice.
Sometimes I caught myself

Thinking about you

Thinking about us

What we used to be

It was great

Maybe not everything

But most of it


I'm grateful

Thank you
Who ever thought
We'll survive this

Who ever thought
We're still breathing till this day

We're strong with His will
The test won't stop cause He say so

Life is short
Live it to the fullest

Show your love
Make it worth

There's a soul that deserves it
You know what I'm talking about
Jika bersendirian itu lebih baik
Biarlah sendiri

Sabarlah sayang
Segalanya sementara

Tidak engkau
Mungkin aku

Siapa dahulu
Tidak aku tahu

Kita pasti akan pergi
Menghadap abadi

Membawa diri hina kepada yang pasti
Yang Maha Mencinta
Dance in the rain again
Felt like a kid
Free and fresh
With a smile on my face

   Chances are always there
   Whether you like it or not
   Sooner or later the time will come
   One day you'll have to decide

Maybe you're not even ready
Maybe you're well prepared
Maybe you'll love it
Maybe you'll hate it
None of it was for you
    It's for myself
My own pleasure

    Cherished what I had
But like I said
     None of it was for you

Every puff and each rolls
    They ain't for you
Never was for you

     Dancing in the rain
Synchronized the pain
      It was my choice
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