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 Aug 2017 Ofelia Rose
I remember
When the music didn't come
When the words did not flow
When creating didn't happen

I remember
Strangling my fingers on strings
Pounding my fists on keys
And my voice shouted hoarse

I remember
Ink flowing across a page
And the click clack of QWERTY
As words became sentences became stories

I remember
Sawdust on the floor
The hum of power tools
My hands building what my mind saw

I remember
The frustrations etched into my soul
When my soul was not at peace
And Death layed inside my being

I remember
When the music didn't come
When the words did not flow
When creating didn't happen

I remember
Wishing for my memory
To remove
Everything that I could remember
 Dec 2016 Ofelia Rose
Noah Ducane
Allow me now to say,
That though the dark is deep
And blinds the light of day,
It's comfort crawls alone in sleep.

Hands that played now are stayed, cold;
Dark is the night, death is darker still.
But age does not make us old,
Youth in you time cannot ****.

And fallen, fallen, all the past.
You stand at the door, turn your head, and part -
Gone, now forever at last,
And stay the beating of that heart.

You who smiled gave a moment pause;
The mirror broken tells of a false face,
For every small and gracious cause
Bears the burden of this race.

Allow what will to be your life's brief end,
That betrays the memory yet lingering on -
From little faith sweet lies descend,
My friend, my family forever gone.
Another death
I wanna fly away,not  far
just somewhere new
I fade to grey but when I think of you
navy blue
my heart's rest is thin and few
lonely eyes,empty views

plant poppies for fallen soldiers and daisies for my dreams
let them bloom
I've spend all this time holding the ghost of you
in vacant rooms
***** dancing or eat pray love is on the TV, love preys on us
and it always consumes
think back to cliche moments in the rain
bitter sweet ,like children can take off there monster costumes

I've been dancing with the devil over the lost of your grace.
what good are these sleepy eyes
if they never fall on your face
what worse for my hands without
yours to interlace
my mind will run itself tired
but your what it chases
I'll keep running away till I find
Where your embrace is
 Dec 2016 Ofelia Rose
Lone wolves are the essence
Of warrior marks
Tatted in riddles with signatures and line imprints that age scars
It's sealed, with no cut or graze
neither of which can penetrate through
It's been protected
Created through burns and of black smoke
White washed heartaches
Living in a slideshow of paintings
Celebrations and chants
mistaken for a melody in a senerade
A confetti
A pretty painted canvas
With emotions of coloured paint
Splashes of ornaments
green hues
Bursts into kaleidoscopes
Strips of flower prints
Of a thousand splendid curses
Blinding to an eye
It leaves no traces of fear
But a mind in the magnificence
It leaves no traces of tear
But sealed inside hard rock skin
To protect the marks of the warrior

 Dec 2016 Ofelia Rose
Today is a muffinless morning.
I shouldn't have ignored the clock's warning,
As I wouldn't have been nearly late for tea
And find out that without muffins I would be.

Next time I'll remember to wake up on time
For tea without muffins is simply a crime!
With a muffinless morning, the day isn't right,
But least I can have muffins at tea time tonight.
Distance hurts
It touches you more than you can touch the other person
Distance hurts
Time and space both stretches infinitely, without a reason
Distance hurts
People change like postage stamps on a letter
Distance hurts
When you don't know if it's for the better
Distance hurts
You leave with them being as sweet as sugar
Distance hurts
When you come back and they seem so far
I've kept you at the top every heartbeat that I have
and every time I breathe again I wander through our past
I never had to dream when you were holding onto me
but now that you're away my body only chases sleep
I see you with the eyes I cannot close to everything
this world is not the same without the songs you love to sing
I owe you something made of Truth the same you made for us
a token of my gratitude that cannot be undone
my mother always told me, "hope's the last to die my dear"
so I will wait forever with the hope you'll find me here
"We could live off nothing."
 Aug 2016 Ofelia Rose
The Dedpoet
         Reading you,
Reading me:
Symphonic emotional intelligence,
Words like a violinist.
    I carry them with me
Inside my mind applying reality,
       The unreality passsing out of me.
The poems speak like see through natures,
The clarity of my discombobulation.
      You all become real.

   Archives of the souls
    Instantaneous connection
        Closer than
Your words resonance with every
Fiber of my being.
    Your words
Invent more words,
    Your emotions tie
The world's shoestrings,
    The experience shared
Is a reality of musical theatre
    And it kills the silence,
The silence of the mind.
     Your words are movement,
Be it from a past,
     The metaphysical dance,
A kiss of gentle air,
    The idea is a life living
Recovering from the enigmatic plague
Of ignorance.
    Though I see the bird sing
My heart stops when it I hear it
Through your words;
Reading is not reading,
    It is saying what your silence says,
Art becoming life in an echo of YOU.
       The words that I understand:
Yes, the pain is also a gesture of reality,
     It lets us know it was real,
Your tears,
      Your secrets,
           The murmured past,
And as I read it becomes as the
Sun on morning dew.
    You become apart of me,
I become part of you,
      Not words
But music in the silence.
And the moment will come
When you hear it too:

The poetry:
Crystalline humanity.
I carry your words with me,
They resonate with my very soul.
Thankyou all for sharing.
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