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Apr 2011 · 984
Forever will I love you.
Forever will I miss you.
Forever will your image be in my mind.
Forever will I think of you.
Forever will I love your kiss.
Forever will I miss your embrace.
Forever will I crave to hear your voice.
Forever will I desire your touch.
Forever will I need you.
Forever will you be my one true love.
Forever will chills run through me when you say those 3 little words "I love you"
Apr 2011 · 4.1k
I think Hades has erupted from the depths of Hell and is controlling everyone around me everyone is turning on me the only cause I can see is the devil himself.The famous Hades himself must have a hatred for me that runs deep in his veins.Why he hates me I will never know but I know he is truly evil.
Apr 2011 · 345
Forever and always
My heart is confused it doesn't know who to choose it wants a little part of each of them but it simply must decide to whom it belongs but it wants a little part of each of them to hold onto forever and always but what it doesn't see is that one day they'll all give up on wanting it and one day my heart will be alone all over again just like it was before they came along.
Apr 2011 · 407
I miss your embrace and your glorious face I'm such a disgrace,A big waste of space this place is not for me.....My hearts racing it keeps pacing.... I can't forget our memories they were short but sweet.Memorable and forgettable but our memories will forever be a small part of me...
Apr 2011 · 368
In your eyes
You tell me you love me what lies such deceit in your eyes all of your sweet lies will end in a heart breaking good-bye...
Apr 2011 · 620
I miss everything we were the glorified memories each moment i spent in your embrace,every moment i stared at your face,the kiss you placed upon my lips all of our memories keep my heart racing...
Apr 2011 · 325
I Miss
I miss the people I once knew.
I miss the friends I once had.
And I miss the people I once loved.
Apr 2011 · 609
I'll love you until....
I'll love you until the day My soul no longer lingers...
The day yours has faded away...
I'll love you until the stars die and there are no more planets...
I'll love you until the day goes dark and the night gets bright....
I'll love you until nothing is left in the universe...
I'll love you until forever is over...
I'll love you now as I will in the future...
I'll love you until I die as well as you do...
I'll love you until everything living or dead is gone....
And only our essence lingers...
I'll love always no matter what is changed or what is altered...
As long as you stay true to yourself I promise to always love you...
Apr 2011 · 1.2k
My heart VS. My Mind
I wish I could ignore them but I know it's too late my heart wants them...
And my mind says to stay away it'll only lead to pain...
So my heart ignores my mind and in the end gets broken...
My heart asks my mind"Will it always hurt when I fall in love?"
My mind says"Yes from time to time there will be pain but you have to know who is worth the pain and who isn't"....
And then a few days later my heart tells my mind"He's worth more pain than could be given"
And all my mind says is"If he's worth it then hold on no matter how much it hurts"
Apr 2011 · 462
In a way....
I guess in some way the bad memories were worth the good ones...But sometimes I wish them all away...They hurt...Because now there just memories...Part of a past life...A former you....A life so altered from the one you've grown acquainted with....Memories don't die but they sometimes fade...All in time...Maybe our memories will fade...Maybe...If I'm lucky...I guess in a way all of the pain was worth the pleasure....Even if in the end I am unhappy I'll have those precious moments...The ones we shared and in the end it won't matter how we've changed....Because we'll still be ourselves...even through the painful memories.....
Apr 2011 · 750
Oh Joshua
Oh His name was Joshua...
The simple task of writing his name is hard....
Oh Joshua he had more value then I had realized...
He had left me...
Time and time again...
I tried so hard to hold on....
To make everything right....
I swore we were meant to be....
I still believe....
Our memories were in to large of quantity to let go...
Oh yes....
There were bad memories.....
But oh yes....
There were good ones as well...
The bad all came pouring down one after another....
He had left...
He returned....
Leaving me more confused then ever....
I don't think he knew that I had cried everyday without him....
So I thought he'd leave me again so....
I cut...
Putting cuts where only I could see....
Then when he left again just as I suspected...
They got  deeper and they got visible...
Oh but don't get me wrong...
Somewhere between the cuts and the tears...
We shared some beautiful moments...
How he'd stare at me...
How he'd make me laugh for no good reason....
How he made it seem like he wasn't in his own pain...
How he hid his scars...His pain....
How he'd hug me....
How we had kissed and both feeling what I believe to be the feeling...
Of Soul-Mates....
We shared our laughter...
We shared the pain....
We shared love...
Though I always thought of his love to be lies...
There were times I believed....
There were days I had cried....
There were days he wish he had....
But in the end Joshua Is gone and I remain here alone...
Still thinking of him even after all this time....
Apr 2011 · 2.6k
Her soul is tainted in a dark mystifying mist.
While her body is lightened and beautified by a warm cooling mist
Apr 2011 · 543
The pain...
The world,This world,is cruel,unkind and unjust.
All I hear is their laughter,the mocking,so old now.
I've heard it my whole life.
They seem to forget they are  not perfect either.
I realize my own hideousness.
They don't see theirs,so they laugh but they don't know.
The Pain.
I know I appear hideous.
I know I am not worthy of your attention.
But please before you judge me.
Judge yourself.
Apr 2011 · 414
I thought...
I thought you loved me...
I thought when you held me to your body everything would be alright...
I thought when you kissed me I was more than a friend...
I thought when we touched we shared a moment for just us to remember..
I thought when you left everything would feel that same...
I was wrong everything seemed to change....
The cuts got deeper...
The tears came more often...
And the broken heart could never be healed...
All because of your sweet lies....
All because one day I looked into your dark brown eyes....
Apr 2011 · 819
Still as I wait for your memories to fade...I find myself spending days thinking of you.I hate it...I wish it gone I wish I never met you...But then I wouldn't have felt love.I wouldn't have felt your sweet kiss Or calming hug.I would have never discovered that someone could mean as much as you mean to me...

Memories don't die but sometimes they fade...
Apr 2011 · 693
I wish....
I wish I could stop dreaming of you day and night but it doesn't feel right...
I wish I could stop craving your kiss...
I wish you and I never met so I'd never be broken...
But if we never met then I wouldn't have so many great memories.
All the bad memories in the world couldn't make me forget the good ones.
I wish you were here but your there and even though I have yet learn of that location I love it anyways because,your there...
Apr 2011 · 793
Amazing dream...
I lay in my bed...
My mind wanders about...
Then I begin to imagine it all...
Him laying on me kissing me...
Slowly kissing down my body...
As he reaches my ******* I don't know what to do...
I smile and say his name for the pure joy has overridden my brain....
He continues down my body kissing every speck...
And when he and I are making sweet love....
We say only each others names...
Panting with such passion...
Our glorious moments they have to end...
and when they do...
I find my self lying in my bed alone and I realize it was just a amazing dream....
Apr 2011 · 442
I think of you....
I think of you when I wake up....
I think of you as I get dressed...
I think of you as I walk out my door...
I think of you as I arrive at my destination...
I think of you as I Leave...
I think of you each moment I breathe...
I think of you when I cry...
I think of you when I'm alone...
I think of you when I lie awake each night...
I see you in my dreams...And it seems you'll never leave...
Apr 2011 · 695
I cried in the rain....
I cried in the rain with hopes you'd stay...
I cried in the rain wishing you'd make the pain go away...
I cried in the rain and knew you'd be my soul-mate...
I cried in the rain knowing you'd be the only one to love me....
I cried in the rain wishing you'd always be mine...
I cried in the rain when you left me...
I cried in the rain when all the good thoughts went away...
I cried in the rain when I lost the thing that made me whole...YOU...
Apr 2011 · 578
Crying in the rain....
So maybe It won't be the same it's okay maybe I'll go insane then I'll never have to feel the pain...It will be such a strain....But my heart won't die in vain...Yes the heart you've slain...The one that appeared so plain...The one that started off so sane...Now my heart feels sprained....It's okay I'll remain....But I refuse to refrain from from crying in the rain...
Apr 2011 · 452
He was my everything...
Our memories consisted of so many things.
Some bad,Some good
I remember when we met I felt so sure I'd love him and I was right.
I remember all the things that let to that event.
Our snowball fights.
Walking beside each other.
Laughing together.
Staring at each other.
I remember when he found out I loved him.
I feared he'd leave me.
Then when he stayed I only loved him more.
I remember the first time we spent apart.
I was destroyed.
I barely recovered even to this day.
Now he is gone for good it seems and It hurts each day he's away.
I think of bringing myself pain again.
I think of how much life has changed since he left and not for the best.
I miss his hugs.
I miss his kisses.
I miss him saying he loved me.
I miss him.Being by my side and making everything feel like it's going to be alright...
Apr 2011 · 685
I Imagine...
I dream of our bodies bare...Together  uniting as one in so many perfect moments....I imagine you gently kissing me....I imagine our passion soaring in quantity.....I imagine you loving me...I imagine us saying each others names repeatedly...I imagine yelping of how I love you...I imagine us together in perfect unison...But It's only a dream...And I have to wake up....
Apr 2011 · 446
I'd like believe you loved me.
But how do I do that when all you do is leave.
You did not comfort me when I cried.
You watched me hurt myself.
You knew leaving would destroy me.
You never bothered saying good-bye.
I've loved you for so long.
And I often believed that you loved me.
Some signs said you did others said other wise.
But I'll always believe you and I were meant to be...
Apr 2011 · 964
Pretend that when I cry in the middle of the night that I'll be alright.
Pretend I'll live on without him.
Pretend That I don't constantly dream of him.
Pretend that I don't reminisce of he and I kissing passionately in the rain.
Pretend I don't lie awake at night thinking of his face.
Pretend he didn't break my heart.
Pretend he never left.Maybe then I will Pretend.
Apr 2011 · 541
It is the dreams that wake me in the middle of the night.
Then I begin to cry and perhaps you wonder why.
It is due to my dream.
He was there as he always is.
But sometimes What I believe is a dream really turns out to be a nightmare in disguise.
For a while it's like memories being relived in my dreams and I love it.
The memories of how we fell in love,How we laughed,how we hugged,how kissed,
But then I realized if I were to relive the memories in my dreams then he'd be leaving right after he kissed me.
I dreaded ending the kiss.
But it ended  and I woke up alone and I realized I couldn't even live in my Dream world without him.Maybe That is why I awoke.
In tears because I was alone and he was nowhere near me...
You were my knight and shining armor you rescued me from myself.
You helped me get through the pain and the sorrow.
And perhaps that's why I love you.
Though there are many reasons.
I always knew I'd end up loving you.
I saw it coming I gave you a fair warning and you ignored it.
I tried to stop but the memories are still there.
How we hugged,how we kissed.
How we laughed and smiled.
How we stared at one another.
How we loved each other.
You were my knight and shining armor.
And somewhere along the line your battle sword was sent soaring through my heart...Breaking it into Millions of little piece.
You were my night in shining armor now you no longer hold that honor...
Apr 2011 · 645
The truth about love
The truth about love is It hurts you,Your not in love if at one point you didn't doubt either yourself or the person you claim to love...The truth about love is There are good times and there are bad...But if it's real love it won't matter as long as your together...The truth about love is You don't see it coming and if you do,you can't avoid it.You were suppose to fall in love you were suppose to hurt at one point...Your suppose to doubt it...Your suppose to feel like it's a mistake or like you don't deserve to be loved..Everyone deserves to be loved....Everyone has a soul-mate but humans tend to not see when or soul-mate is right in front of us...And then they leave and we believe we've lost our only chance but they'll return if it was meant to be...
Apr 2011 · 550
He's seen me cry,He's seen me cut
He's seen me at my worst and stuck around to see me at my best
because he's my love,my best friend,and the only reason I'm alive...
Apr 2011 · 416
I gave you...
It felt like I gave you everything...
I gave you my heart to love with,
I gave you my smiles and laughter,
I gave you my arms so we could hug,
I gave you my lips so we could kiss,
But I never got the thing I wanted most,
Apr 2011 · 389
Nowhere to be found
I hear his voice in my ear but when I turn around he's nowhere to be found.I feel his hand entwined with mine but when I look down his hand is nowhere to be found.I feel my hands running through his hair but how can that be if he is nowhere to be found.I feel him,His essence all around me but yet he is simply Nowhere to be found...
Apr 2011 · 368
To be with you...
I wish the lies would die,the truth could be revealed,Joy came with love,I wish dreams came true and most of all I wish forever to be with you.
Apr 2011 · 511
I'm afraid
I want to hide because I'm afraid.I'm afraid to get close to someone.I'm afraid they'll leave me.I'm afraid of myself and I'm afraid to think of myself as anything but worthless because if I don't I'm afraid someone's just going to knock me down...
Apr 2011 · 517
Forever is a lie,
Love is A secret,
Death is a gift,
Life is a curse,
and happily ever afters are for fairy tales
Apr 2011 · 557
Multiple Mini poems....
You gave me this infection,this heart breaking recollection,you were my only selection...

Just hold me tight and pretend everything will be alright...

Tell me your sweet lies just promise me no more good-byes...

I tried but I just cried and it felt as if my heart died...

My heart once felt like gold now it's cold...

I cried when my heart died and I no longer tried...

I scream and shout and you continue to doubt....

I want to cry,I can't try so I think I'll die...
Apr 2011 · 794
Those dark brown eyes...
Those dark brown eyes continually told me lies,
Those dark brown eyes only said good-byes,
Those dark brown eyes told me stories of our common glories,
Those dark brown eyes sighed when my heart died...
Apr 2011 · 1.0k
I wished upon a star and I prayed to an illusive god.
I wanted you so bad but in the end I was left sad
Apr 2011 · 482
I Fear...
I fear falling in love because I fear the broken heart,
I fear the broken heart because I fear the pain,
And I fear the pain because I'm unsure if it'll ever fade
Apr 2011 · 374
Can't you...
I fear the start of this new disaster because I know it'll lead to my broken laughter.Can't you help?Can't you end this massacre before it evolves into my hurricane of tears and the shards of my heart?Can't you stop the wind from blowing evil words into my ears?Can't you stop him my love,
from making me happy as you once did?It seems not.It seems impossible to prevent.That's the worst part of seeing the disaster and knowing it leads to broken laughter all you can do is watch as everything you hold dear falls apart...
Apr 2011 · 452
You kept me...
You Kept me safe,
You kept me warm,
You kept me happy,
You kept me close,
You kept me laughing,

But you kept me crying,
You kept me far,
You kept me hurting,
You kept me cold,
You kept me sad.
You kept me broken
Apr 2011 · 707
Your sour Love...
Love is so sweet,But your love is so sour
You created a potion of love and you suckered me into drinking it
Now all I feel is the sour feeling of loving you
Your sour love entrapped me and won't let me go
Tell me the antidote so My love may be sweet once more
Apr 2011 · 525
I never imagined...
I never Imagined...Someone loving me besides him...
I never imagined...I'd love anyone besides him...
I never imagined....I could be happy with any other guy...
I never imagined how much my heart would fight.
I never imagined... my heart wanting another guy while loving him...
I never imagined... blushing as this new person explains he loves me...
I never imagined...Letting him go...But maybe it's a sign that it's time...
Apr 2011 · 436
No Longer...
I loved you.You were everything to me.You were my world.You left me broken.You always fixed it.I am not broken because you did any wrong.But because I can no longer be beside you.No longer feel your voice.No longer feel your hug or kiss.No longer feel the love you entrusted me with.I am broken because I don't have you.
I wish you were here.But your there.where that is I have yet to learn.But I know that place where you live is lucky to just be near your soul.And all I hope Is that you are happy enough for the both of us.
Apr 2011 · 362
You said.
You said you loved me from the start,
you stole my heart,
I was your game,
The only one to feel pain,
I think I've gone insane,
your the only one to blame.
Apr 2011 · 403
I don't even care.....
I don't even care,
My heart doesn't carry a spare,
What do I care if you break it you just wanted to take it,
You can't fake it,it's your fault you wanted to take it,
this isn't fair but you don't care.
Apr 2011 · 524
I wish you saw what I saw
I wish you saw what I saw.
The lies in your eyes,
They never went away day after day they would stay,
Now I must say good-bye with a sigh,to all of your lies...
Apr 2011 · 377
I need you here,
I need you now,
Just your smile,
Just your voice,
I can only hope you'll kiss me,
Only hope you'll hug me,
Only hope you'll touch me,
Only hope you'll love me,Just like you use to,
Just like we use to love each other...
Apr 2011 · 407
I miss...
I miss laughing with you,
I miss talking to you,
I miss staring at you,
I miss your voice,
I miss your eyes,
I miss your hug,
I miss your kiss,
I miss your touch,
I miss,being loved by you...
Apr 2011 · 404
I want you....<3
I want you,to be by my side,
I want you,to hug me,
I want you,to kiss me,
I want you,touch me,
I want you,to love me,
I want you,to mean it,
I want you,Forever and Always...<3
Apr 2011 · 560
I'm scared...<3
I'm so scared,scared I truly love you.
I never fought so hard for someone.
I want you forever and always.
I'm scared of being hurt.
The last time I fell in love he destroyed me.
This is different though I just want you.
You healed what everyone else broke.
I didn't realize it but you fixed my broken heart.
I never even asked you just got up and put the piece back together again.
Apr 2011 · 794
I've searched,
I've tried so hard to find him,
My soul-mate.
I think I found him and I think I let him leave.
I've made a mistake I cannot believe.
My soul-mate is out there,
Somewhere in the abyss,
One day I'll find him,
I'll know by his kiss.
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